Trivia jesy

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She has the same middle name as Perrie.
Your style-inspiration is Gwen Stefani.
Her favorite food is Nandos.
She has no favorite color.
Your favorite artist Missy Elliot, her favorite group, the Spice Girls.
Your favorite albums are 'Ed Sheeran-' and 'Chris Brown Fame'.
Against X Factor, she worked in a bar.
She has a sandwich-phobia.
She is the oldest member of the band.
She is left-handed.
She has no driver's license.
She washes her hair every day.
Her nickname is Jesminda.
My favorite movie is 'Taken'.
You can talk with an Australian and a Scottish accent.
She's a fan of Jeremy Kyle.
You may very well think beatboxing (making them, for example in the song Going Nowhere).
Your favorite members of One Direction are Niall and Zayn.

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