1: Moving Day

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The car rolled behind the moving van as they sped along a progressively more battered road towards a small little town. Rain began to fall from they sky and the dirt road was already becoming visibly muddy. Rose looked out the car window to this scene. The moving plans would not be any easier if this stayed up, and it sure looked like it would. This was going to be a great day.
Rose turned to see her mother was thinking the same thing. She kept distractedly glancing up at the sky every few seconds. The car was wobbling back and forth because of it.

"Mom pay attention to the road. You can still see the sky if you do." Her mom shot an annoyed look at her.

"Don't distract me while I'm driving honey." Did she really just say that? Ross huffed and looked back out the window. Her mom had said this wouldn't be city living, but the roads could at least be paved for goodness sake.

The clock read 10:52, so it would be about ten minutes before they arrived at the town. Then Rose will officially have moved to the Kalos region. Back to the Kalos region she should say.

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