8: Recognizing

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Rose and the gang spent the next day in Santalune City. A new surprise was around every corner. The overgrown rose bushes became a bouquet selling stall. The plaza in the middle of town was transformed into a giant stage for plays. There were a lot of things to do when you had Shauna's imagination after all. There still were a couple of unanswered questions though.
Everyone was walking the streets with an ice cream in hand. Rose kept on stealing glances at everyone. She just seemed to know them from somewhere. Trevor gave her a strange look.
"Why d-do you k-keep looking at us-s?" He questioned. Rose immediately blushed now knowing he noticed her glancing at them.
"Sorry. You all just looked familiar," she explained. Serena nodded knowingly, and Shauna smiled like it was a given.
"Well yea! We were on TV a couple days ago," Tierno slung his arm around Calem's shoulder,"Our boy here was crowned champion!" Calem turned red muttering how it wasn't a big deal.
That made a lot more sense to Rose, but it still didn't shake off the feeling.
"I guess that explains it," Rose paused,"Where are you guys from anyway?"
"Aquacorde!" Shauna cheered.
"Vanville," Serena offered.
"Aquacorde baby!" Tierno pumped his fist in the air.
"L-lumiose," Trevor answered.
"Vanville," Calem stated. That was it!
"My mom knows Serena and Calems parents! You must look familiar from their photos," Rose realized. The others looked shocked. They broke into a flurry of discussion over this new development.
"You know our parents! We headed there when we saw you," Serena gasped. They stayed away from home because of Rose? Now she felt bad. Calem saw her expression.
"Don't be like that Rose. You were in trouble and we wanted to help. We'll help you until you don't need us anymore," he reassured. Rose smiled nervously wondering if he was just being nice. Calem grinned wide showing he did mean it. Rose's smile became steadier.
"Speaking of where are you headed?" Serena asked. Where was Rose headed?
"I guess I'm going to the next city. I'm starting my journey, but I don't have a pokemon." They looked at her like she was crazy.
"How could you not have a pokemon?" Calem asked. Rose shrugged.
"Where would I get one?" She defended. Shauna looked at Rose with a determined look,"Then we'll take you to Lumiose City to get one from the professer." Rose froze as she registered what Shauna said. She was going to have to get a pokemon from her father. There was no way the gang would let her get one from anywhere else without her telling them about the professor. This was not good, but what could Rose say?
"T-thanks guys," Rose said. She looked down trying not to cry. Serena grabbed Rose's shoulder as a year fell.
"What's wrong Rosie?" Serena asked concerned. Rose wiped her eyes and tried to smile.
"Um... Not many people are this nice to me, so it makes me really happy that you guys would do this,". She lied. Rose have out a small sob that could be mistaken for a laugh. Trevor and Calem didn't look very convinced, by they let it slide.
"Aww, it's ok. Lets get on the move to Lumiose then," Serena smiled. Another tear fell, and Rose's false grin wavered. She nodded then turned back to the rental house to gather her things.
Everyone gathered their things and left the house. Calem went to the real estate office and paid for their stay. After that, they headed towards route four. They headed towards Lumiose City. They headed towards Rose's dad.

Putting the Pieces TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora