10: Meeting

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Rose stared in horror at the large building. This could not really be happening. Nagative thoughts swirled in her mind as she stood in a daze. Doubts about the situation crept in. Come on, did she really need a pokemon that much? She could easily walk away and just stay away from tall grass forever. A hand clamped onto Rose's arm.
"Are you ready to get your pokemon?" Shauna squealed. Oh yea, they were still there. That was why Rose was her in the first place. She nodded stiffly to answer Shauna's question.
"Great! Lets to in!" Serena commanded. The five of them began to march towards the building dramatically. Rose giggled until she realized what they were doing.
"Wait! Do go in," she exclaimed. The gang stopped in their tracks. What was their friend talking about?
"Umm...," Rose tried to think of an excuse,"I d-don't want you to go in... I-I need to do this myself." Serena's face softened and she walked over.
"We know it's a big moment, but it will be easier with us. We even know the professor, so it won't be awkward for us," she tried to comfort. Rose looked at the others, panicked, but they nodded sympathetically. How was she going to get out of this? She tried to stop the oncoming trainwreck.
"No. I mean, you've already done so much for me. You said you would leave when I don't need you, and I won't after this," Rose told them. They looked very hurt at this.
"I didn't mean it like that Rose... Even if I did, we're all closer now," Calem said. Rose tried not to cry at how much she was hurting them. All because of this stupid secret she didn't want to tell.
"We thought you were one of us now," Tierno muttered. She hung her head low. There was no stopping this now.
"You are all my friends, but I'm going on a different path. You should go see your families. We can meet up again sometime," Rose tried. They all just nodded sadly.
"I'm not trying to hurt you. You know that right?" All of them nodded again. Rose waved goodbye. The gang halfheartedly waved. They began to walk away. Rose watched them walk away then surprisedly saw Trevor turn his head back and mouth something.
"I get it." Her mouth dropped open as she watched him turn back around. What did he get? Well it was more about how much he did understand. Rose shook her head. That didn't matter much right now.
She focused on the building in front of her. She took a couple more steps forward. Rose looked at the pokeball designs on the edge of the gate trying to stall. It was just another step. And another. One more. The light from inside seemed blinding. Rose stepped inside the lab.
She scanned the room. A few couches and a couple coffee tables were arranged around. A few people, some kids. some adults, sat on the couches looking very bored. Rose saw the elevator and walked towards it. Someone let out a small 'ahem' next her.
Rose turned towards the sound. A blond woman behind a desk was looking annoyed at her. She pointed her pencil at Rose and then to the front of the desk. This was going to be interesting. Rose walked to the front of the desk.
"You need to get in line before meeting the professor," the young lady told her in monotone. Rose was getting tired and annoyed just listening to her.
"I thought that new trainers were a professors top priority Ms," Rose looked at the woman's name tag,"Mikayla." Mikayla rolled her eyes at her ignorance.
"Professor Sycamore is in the middle of an important meeting with the Mega Evolution Guru." Rose cracked a smile. The meeting didn't sound very important when the dudes name ended with guru. Mikayla glared at Rose again.
"Give me your name and take a seat like everyone else," she ended. Rose sighed and told the woman her name.
"Fine, my name's Rose," she said. Mikayla groaned loudly making a couple of people glare at her and another few look at Rose sympathetically.
"First and last name kid!"
"Ok, ok... sheesh, my name is Rose Sycamore. R-O-S," she was cut off as the typing stopped. Rose looked at the lady. Why did she stop? Mikayla was looking strangely at her now.
"Your name is Rose Sycamore?" She asked. Rose nodded a little suspicious,"As in Professor Sycamore's daughter?" Oh yea! That piece of information kinda slipped her mind. It probably would have gotten her trough this sooner. Rose nodded.
Mikayla began to fumble around her desk. It seemed as if she was looking for something. She finally picked up a white slip of paper and signed Rose's name on it.
"Uh, here is a pass to go ahead then Ms. S-Syacamore. Not that you even nu-need it probably," Mikayla laughed nervously. Rose shrugged at her reaction and walked to the elevator.
"Th-Third floor!" She called after her. Rose went in and punched the number three. The elevator rose up quickly and shook around a bit. She grabbed onto the rail to keep from falling over. It quickly stopped as soon as Rose began to feel queasy. The door opened and she stepped out.
Voices could be heard from behind the screen panel next to her. That must be where her dad and the evolution guy were. Rose stepped toward the entrance hesitantly. Should she wait? She took a deep breath and the voices stopped. That was a little too loud then. Rose heard one of them say excuse me, and footsteps walk towards her.
The man turned to corner and saw Rose. They both froze. Rose was standing in front her dad and Professor Sycamore was standing in front of his daughter. Sycamore straightened stiffly and looked at her.
"Uh, is that you Rose. Sorry, sorry of course it is. You've sure grown up since I've seen you last," he started. Rose smiled uncomfortably and shook her head up and down. They stood there again for a while.
"Well then come in. Uh, bonjour," Sycamore walked back into his office and Rose followed. A man was already in the office when they walked in.
"Ah, Augustine there you are! Now we can continue our conver," he stopped short,"I thought no new trainers were allowed until the meeting was over Augustine." The man looked curiously at Rose. She blushed and looked down at the floor.
"No Guru. This is my uh, daughter, Rose," Sycamore introduced them. The Guru's eyes rose up at this.
"Oh yes! I forgot you had a wife and kid. You haven't mentioned them since... uh. Never mind! She has your eyes you know," he commented bluntly. Sycamore scratched the back of his head.
"Thanks I think. We're going to have to reschedule this meeting again though." The Guru nodded and left after saying goodbye. Rose and Sycamore stood around not looking at each other. Itbstayed like his for awhile. Rose even began a fun game of trying to read the spines of the books stacked everywhere. Finally, Sycamore went and sat at his desk.
"I knew your mother and you had moved to Vanville," Rose grew a bit angry now knowing for sure that her dad knew she moved here," but I didn't think you would come to see me." Rose finally took a good at her father. He hadn't changed after all of these years. He even had all of his crazy black-blue hair intact.
"I started my journey, and I need a pokemon," she told him. Sycamore looked a little sadder knowing Rose's motive, but he brightened quickly.
"That's great Rose! I even have a special surprise for your first pokemon," he told her. How did her dad have a surprise for Rose if he didn't know she was coming? She remembered all the stories of the spontaneous adventures Mom and Dad had. This must have been one of them.
Sycamore out his hand on Rose's shoulder as they walked into the elevator. She had to fight the urge to tense up as he did it. He pressed the number 1B on panel. 1B? They rode down and both of them grabbed the railing at the same time.
"Always hated this elevator," Sycamore chuckled. A small smile grew on her lips when she heard this. Mom did say he was quite the charmer.
The elevator stopped. Sycamore turned his daughter around and a different set a doors opened. Rose gasped with delight as she saw the beautiful field in front of her full of roaming pokemon.

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