5: Leaving

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Rose didn't do much the next few days. Her growing grudge towards her father, Professer Augustine Sycamore, kept her in a depressed mood. She would shuffle around the house in her pajamas, not sitting still for long. Rose wanted to move around, but she felt too tired. Mom just stayed away from Rose. Her behavior would be over soon.
Mom was correct because Rose got tired of this routine after about a week. She told herself to get over her already estranged dad and got up. She began to help with all of the chores around the house. Mom started Rose's ryhorn riding lessons up again. Both of them hung out a bit more with the Granthams and Calicotts. There were even a couple of smaller kids that liked to play with Rose so much, she became their babysitter.
Something still didn't feel right though. Rose felt empty after that one fateful night. She was so much happier than before, yet there was something missing for her. The forest outside of Aquacorde Town seemed so inviting. Rose was itching to do something more now. She had a need to go out. The quiet town of Vanville seemed to close her off instead of being a safe place. One night finally cracked Rose though.
Rose was preparing dinner while Mom was watching the TV. There was some big important event on the news tonight.
"Oh! A new champion is being crowned Honey!" Mom exclaimed after watching for a minute. A new champion? So what?
"There are new champions all the time Mom. Why does this one matter?"
"Rose! It's hard to become champion you know. Besides this one is supposed to be around your age. That's the youngest one in awhile." It still didn't seem that important to her, but Rose nodded anyway.
"Come on and watch it with me!" Mom cheerfully said. Rose looked at the meal she was making.
"It'll be fine come on!" She finally gave in and went to sit on the couch. Mom clapped like a little kid and smiled brightly. This was gonna be fun.
"Who knows Honey. Maybe the champion will be a boy," Mom teased nudging Rose in the shoulder. Rose rolled her eyes and kept watching the TV. The show was starting!
A huge crowd was around a giant stage. A small walkway ran through the middle of the crowd. Five figures in a line walked through the path towards the stage. The camera focused on the front the line and showed a teenage boy. He had jet black hair and a blue jacket on. His face was strangely familiar to Rose. In fact all of the teens faces in the line looked familiar.
The kids had finally made it to the stage. They were all grinning widely. All of them stood in a straight row facing the audience. The boy turned to another man on the stage. The man was, Rose's father. As the professer held a badge and pinned it on the boy, Rose quickly stood up and left the room. She barely heard Mom yell her name before she ran into her room.
That was it for Rose. No tears came as she grabbed her pack and started to pack her things. She was constantly reminded of her dad here in bad ways here. Other kids were going out and doing things like becoming champion for goodness sake! It was time for Rose to go and do something herself.
Rose heard Mom walk into the room and froze when she realized she was packing in front of her. She slowly turned around and looked at Mom.
"Um... Heyo," Rose looked at the floor sheepishly. She could feel Mom staring into her soul.
"What are you doing sweetie?" Her voice was suspicious.
"Mom... I need to go!" Rose sighed. She flopped on her bed,"I just feel trapped here! I- I love you but-"
"You need to go," Mom finished. She looked expectantly at
her daughter,"I get it Honey. You don't need to say anything else. Let me help pack." Rose stared jaw open as her mom went into her closet and grabbed a sleeping bag.
"You're just going to let me go?" She asked astounded. Honestly she was a bit hurt Mom didn't care more.
"I get that you need to do this Rose," Mom scrounged around for a spare toothbrush,"Even if you didn't want to go its kind of a coming of age thing." Neither girl talked anymore as the packing continued. It barely took an hour to finish with the help.
"I'm planning on leaving tomorrow. Is that ok Mom?" Rose asked. Mom's eyes were brimming with proud tears,"of course it is Sweetie." They both embraced in a hug and wiped their tears. Mom walked downstairs and Rose watched her leave. She guessed she would need a good nights sleep for tomorrow.
Rose woke up early and grabbed her pack. She went downstairs to find Mom and say goodbye, but found her on the couch drinking coffee. Mom looked at her.
"Leaving without saying goodbye?" She joked. Rose shook her head and went in for a hug. She grabbed on to her mother tightly and took a deep breath. She was really leaving.
"I love you Mom," Rose whispered still in her mother's arms. Mom stroked her hair.
"I love you too sweetie... now lets get you going." After a quick breakfast and long goodbye, Rose was out and ready to begin her journey. She took a long breath on the edge of her doorstep. Rose took a step forward. She was on her own!

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