4: Disappointing First Impressions

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When Mom finally let go of Rose's wrist, they were standing in front of a house almost identical to theirs. Men and women voices could be heard from inside the house.
"Mom, what if they are eating dinner?" Rose asked nervously. Interrupting something would not be a good first impression. Mom waved her hand at Rose,"It'll be fine Honey." Mom used the knocker on the door. The conversation stopped, and footsteps could be heard coming closer. A couple opened up the door. They looked very surprised to have these two people on the doorstep. Mom decided to step in,"Hi I'm Grace Bishop and this is my daughter Rose. We're new to Kalos and my daughter and I are introducing ourselves to the neighbors." The couple's faces melted I to smiles after hearing Mom's explanation. The lady spoke up,"Well hi then! I'm Olivia Grantham and this is my husband George," there was a pause as Olivia smiled at the two,"please come in. The neighbors and us just finished dinner." Mom gave Rose a knowing look to her. Both of them stepped inside after thanking the Granthams.
Rose looked around the house as she entered. This was so cool! The house had furniture a lot like hers. It was awesome seeing a normal family's house looked so alike. Another couple was sitting at the table giving Rose and Mom questioning looks.
"Rachelle, Tim, these are our new neighbors Grace and Rose," George introduced them. The other lady, Rachelle, instantly smiled,"Oh hello! We're the Calicott family. Come sit down and talk to us." The man, Tim, awkwardly nodded. Mom quickly obliged and sat down. The five of them talked for around an hour before including Rose. She was having fun watching TV anyway.
"Oh I almost forgot to ask! Are there any kids around Rose's age here? It would be great for her to have a playmate," Mom started
"Mom, I'm fourteen not five!" Rose blushed as red as the flower she was named after. Mom laughed at the face her kid was making. Olivia giggled at the interaction and answered the question,"Well George and I have a son Rose's age. Rachelle and Tim have a daughter too, and a girl named Shauna lives in Aquacorde Town. Oh and a couple other boys come over sometimes."
"Wow that's great maybe some time Rose and them coul-" Mom was cut off by Rachelle before she could happily carry on.
"Wait! Grace, I'm sorry to say, but all five of the kids just left to go on their pokemon journey yesterday." Everyone grew a sad face as Rachelle continued,"We miss them already, but it's such a great opportunity! The professor himself assigned them the journey." Rose's head snapped away from the TV to conversation she was barely listening to. Did that women say what she thought. She asked a question, her voice shaky,"The professer assigned them this journey?"
"Yep he wants one of them to complete the pokedex. My money's on the red head. All my Calem wants is to become champion," George answered oblivious to the shift in tone.
"And they left the day before Mom and I arrived?" Tears were beginning to well up in Rose's eyes
"Yep. Quite a shame if you think about it really." Rose's mind began to race, the tears threatening to spill over now. He must have seen the reports on the news. Mom was a famous racer after all. Wasn't Mom telling someone over the phone that they were coming too? It sounded like a pretty uncomfortable conversation to Rose. He must of known, so why did he send them away the day before she came? Why did he send them away without her?
Rose stood up and ran out of the stranger's house and into her own. She tripped up the stairway and collapsed on her bed sobbing. All of the same questions kept running through her head and all of her hatred and sadness came pouring out. It seemed like Rose cried on that bed for an eternity.
After a while, when the well of tears was dry, Mom came into her baby's room, and sat on the bed. Rose was still taking large irregular gasps of air trying to control her breathing. Mom grabbed her and cradled her little flower.
"Shh... It'll be ok honey," she consoled. The gasps soon became more steady and quiet. Rose sniffed a little and looked at Mom.
"I just want to know why Dad didn't tell me Mom."

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