Chapter 3

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Rose's POV

My grandmother slowly combs my hair, humming a new tone that I've never heard before. But this time, the melody doesn't have a soft tune to it; this time she sings quickly in a very high pitched tone. 

"Now remember, dear.", Grandmother takes a break from humming and combs out a knot in my hair that I didn't even know was there,"Keep your lower half relaxed. The more tense you are, the more it will hurt."

I purse my lips and look down into the palm.

"It usually stops hurting after the first 3-4 times, but it will keep hurting if you're tense.", Grandmother places a few pins into my hair to keep the strands from falling onto my face,"And since you will be copulating frequently until your become pregnant, put your legs up after each time. I've heard that raises the chances of pregnancy. Oh, and keep your back elevated with a pillow."

I couldn't help, but laugh this time,"Does that really work?"

In all of my years of studying Biology and the human body, I have never ever heard this.

Grandmother's eyes get wide,"Oh, yes!"

A few more giggles escape my lips before I look back down to my hands.

"You're so beautiful.", she whispers in my ear,"And intelligent. Any man in the world will be so grateful to have you."

Finally, I bring my eyes up to look at hers before I look at my own reflection. My face has now gone stone cold.

"It doesn't matter.", my voice is monotonous,"I don't want this. I never did. And I never will."

Grandmother sighs and brushes her fingers through my hair,"There's not much you can do about it, my love. But trust me; I truly have a feeling that your mate will be amazing."

He better be. 

My eyes fall back onto my lap. 

My biggest concern isn't really for me. I'll stand up for myself if my mate is unfair. I'm more afraid of our future child. 

What if he isn't a good father. A poor child will barely be able to defend itself. And what if I'm not around enough for him/her to make sure they get the protection they deserve?

There are three hard knocks on the door that are loud enough to make grandmother drop the comb. 

As she bends down to pick it up, two men come into the room. They are dressed in a suit and tie and are each holding a gun by their sides.

"Alright.", the short one on the left says in a bored manner,"Come on. Let's get this over with."

My eyebrows scrunch up in irritation. It makes sense that they're tried of doing this over and over again, but he really doesn't have to be such a jerk. 

I mean, it's my life right now, not his. And I don't care how selfish that sounds. 

I get up, smooth my skirt down, and turn to look at grandmother. 

There are tears in her eyes, "Oh, my dear Rose. My lovely Rose."

She embraces me tightly and as I'm returning her hug, I don't miss the words she whispers in my ears, "You know I'd stop this if I could, don't you?"

My lip quivers and a few tears of mine fall as well. As we part, I give her a nod. 

I know she'd stop this. Anyone in the right mind would stop this.

"Let's go!", the taller one speaks this time. 

Giving grandmother one last squeeze, I turn around and begin to walk towards them. 

They clear the path and let me walk through the doors first before they follow me.

As soon as the door closes, I am able to hear grandmother's soft weeping. 

After a few minutes of walking in silence, the taller guard takes out an electronic pad, taps a few things on it and clicks his tongue, "Yep, this is the room. Pretty intelligent match, if you ask me." He shows his partner the pad and they both smirk.

Several steps later, they lead me in front of a door, take out a giant wad of keys, expertly pick on out of the pile on the first try and open the door.

"Enjoy.", the shorter one has a sly smirk plastered onto his face. 

Before I have a chance to respond in anyway, they give me a small nudge inside and slam the door shut.

I narrow my eyes at the door and turn around to look at the mate who has been assigned to me. 

My breath almost stops in my throat. 

My mate. 

Is him.

The same boy. Or should I say man, now?

The only thing missing is the cigarette he kept between his teeth.

Kyle looks at me, his eyes wide and mutters, "Oh my god."

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