Chapter 8

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Rose's POV

Kyle was right. They were very close.

I didn't really know what to expect.

I guess I was just expecting a huge skyscraper-like building. Something very high tech. Suffice to say, that I was surprised when Kyle and I walked in, hand in hand, in to a shack.

But it does make sense. This must be how they keep themselves under the radar.

"Kyle, you made it!"

Another boy about our age with shaggy blonde hair comes and pulls Kyle into an embrace,"To be honest, I was beginning to think you weren't gonna make it."

"Nice to see you always have faith in me.", Kyle says sarcastically,"This is Rose. She was chosen to be my mate. Rose, this is Nate."

"Wow.", Nate says, shaking my hand,"I can't believe she actually came with you. My mate actually slapped me in the face."

"Wait.", I narrow my eyes,"How did you guys get so many people without the society being suspicious?"

"Who says they aren't?", Nate tilts his head,"They are. And they've looked. But they can't find us."

"It's also because there are still so many more people left in the society, they don't care as much if only a handful come out.", Kyle says.

"Yes, but a handful turns into hundreds.", Nate smiles.

"How long?", I ask,"How long have you been here?"

"A few years.", Nate says,"So there aren't that many of us here. Since the gathering only happens once a year."

"Kyle.", I turn towards him,"Were we the only ones that escaped this year?"

"There may have been one or two more? Besides Nate, of course. He came with us.", Kyle thinks back,"But we planned it out. We all take different ways so it makes it harder for the society to track us."

"So far, many of the mates didn't come.", Nate crosses his arm,"It's a good thing you did though. We could always use extra help."

"And your mate didn't tell them where you went? She didn't stop you?", I ask Nate.

"She tried.", he looks away,"But she didn't know where I was going. There wasn't much else she could do."

Nate eyes are full of pain.

Did he miss his mate?

"Yeah, I got lucky.", Kyle looks at me and smiles, slipping his hand behind my back. A deep blush rushes to my cheeks.

"Alright.", Nate claps his hands together,"Why don't the two of you get settled here and in an hour, we can talk about what the next step is."

This is our new life?

For the first time, I'm ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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