Chapter 5

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Rose's POV

The fact that my hand is held tightly to Kyle's is the only reason why I'm not falling onto the ground, panting for my breath.

But after a few more minutes, I can't help it; we must have been running for a few miles by now. I yank is hand and force him to stop next to a tree.

"Just-", I pant, my entire body covered in a sheen of sweat,"Please just a few moments."

Kyle takes my shoulder and moves my body slightly so that we're both standing behind the tree rather than in front of it.

"It's okay.", he squeezes my shoulders a bit,"Wow, you're a good runner."

"Thanks.", I say between breaths,"You're not so bad yourself."

We both rest for about five minutes and then begin walking further into the forest.

"We're almost here.", Kyle assures me,"I've made a few 'pit stops' in the forest until we get to the Arc."

"The.. Arc?", I turn my head in confusion, "What's that?"

Kyle laughs and lifts his head up to the sky, "I'm glad you haven't heard of it. No one has. Believe it or not, we're not the first ones to escape."

"What do you mean?", I narrow my eyes.

"Everyone who escaped before us is living at the Arc. It was made several years ago, still relatively new. But they're planning on taking the inside of the society down."

This makes me stop in my tracks. Kyle turns around, expectant.

"Oh my god.", I say, my heart racing, "That's such a risky thing to do. They'll have all of them killed."

"All of us killed.", he smirks, "You're a part of this now.... Unless, of course, you choose to go back."

I cross my arms over my chest and continue to walk next to him. He's right. He and I are a part of this now. Getting caught would have dire consequences. Ones that I am not willing to take. 

"Are you sure you don't want to start running again?", I ask, beginning to catch my breath now.

"No.", he says,"We're very close to one of the stops."

After about ten more minutes of walking in silence, Kyle stops next to a large oak tree and begins to dig next to it. 

He pulls out a few sticks, a large, plastic sheet, a few cans, and 2 large bottles of water. 

"Wow..", I says,"You were prepared for this for a long time, weren't you?"

"Yes.", he begins to put the sticks in the ground. He's making a tent. 

I kneel down to help him,"But... What if you were matched with someone who didn't want to go with you? What if she would do whatever it took to turn you in?"

Kyle stops assembling the tent and looks at me,"Well that's a risk that I had to take. If she didn't want to come, it's her problem. Not mine. And if she tried to turn me in... Well, I'd have to risk that too."

It doesn't take long for the tent to be up and ready. 

The moon is up now and completely full. It looks so beautiful; what a shame that the circumstances make the entire situation very ugly.

Kyle takes out the cans and hands me a water bottle. He picks up a sharp rock and begins to screw it into the side of the can.

After a few minutes, it makes a hole. Very small. 

"It's soup.", he hands one of the cans to me,"Easiest to eat. Hope you're not allergic to tomato."

"Thank you.", I say quietly, taking the can from his hands,"Kyle, you're bleeding."

He frowns and turns the side of his hand to look at the cut running from his thumb to the bottom of his palm,"Oh, don't worry, it's-"

But before he can say anything, I snatch his hand,"You don't happen to have any alcohol do you?"

He laughs,"You want to get drunk?"

"What?", I hiss,"No! It's to clean the cut."

"Well no.", he says,"And it's not a big deal."

"A simple scratch can swell up your hand if there's an infection. And I don't trust those cans; they were in the ground for who knows how long.", I begin to squeeze his hand to draw out some of the blood. Then I take the lace from my dress and tie it semi tightly around his hand,"It's not that deep though. I'm surprised you didn't notice."

"I'm used to it.", he examines the pink bandage I put on him and smiles,"Thank you."

The two of us crawl into the tent and lay down. 

"Kyle.", I whisper,"That day when I met you before the gathering... Did you have any idea we would be matched?"

"No.", he yawns,"Pretty ironic though isn't it?"

"Mhmm.", but I'm only have listening now. 

My eyes shut and I can soon hear Kyle's faint snores.

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