Chapter 4

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Rose's POV

Kyle quickly stands up and at the same moment, the door slams shut behind me.

"Oh my god.", I whisper exactly as he does.

Kyle's eyes remain as wide as they were when I first walked into the room.

Is this a good thing? At least I know him.

But then again, I've only really known him for about ten minutes. Who's to know who he really is. 

I open my mouth to say something, but I'm cut off by a robotic voice that emanates from the speaker in the corner,"You may begin copulation."

My heart rate speeds up and I take several deep breaths in efforts to calm me down. 

It doesn't help. 

Not really. 

As soon as the speakers utter those words, Kyle almost runs towards me. 

I close my eyes; thinking that he's not going to wait for me to be ready, but am relieved and confused when I realize that he has run past me. 

He's crouching down in a corner picking at the ground. 

Is this how he shows his anxiety?

Oh my god, is he having a panic attack?!

But he quickly gets up, holding something in his hands and begins to stuff his hands into his pockets, "Fuck."

Perhaps, he's waiting for me to show that I'm ready. 

Utterly confused, I do the only thing I could think of. I reach up the back of my dress and slowly pull down my zipper and slide my body out of the dress so that I'm only standing in my bra and panties.

In the society, every female is fed so that she maintains a curvy shape in order to bear children. I have quite thick thighs, but my grandmother always told me it would work in my favor.

Kyle hadn't even noticed, and instead begins to fish in his other pocket.

He must be more nervous than I thought. 

"Just-", I raise my voice so he finally looks at me,"Just be gentle."

Suddenly he narrows his eyes and runs towards me again. 

I force myself not to cringe, but can't help it when he grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me; hard.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Rose?!?!", he shouts,"You're actually going to let them force you into having sex?!"

I'm absolutely stunned by him grabbing me and saying these things to do and it takes me a few seconds to regain my composure and actually reply.

"I DON'T want this!", I shove his hands off of my shoulders,"But we have no choice. You know what will happen if we don't do this."

Kyle stairs at me in disbelief for a few moments. But the moments couldn't have felt longer if they had been hours. 

"Room 203, begin copulation."

Both of our heads go towards the fourth corner. There must be a speaker somewhere.

"No.", Kyle mutters,"We're going to get the hell out of here."

"How-", I cross my arms over my chest,"How do they know we aren't...?"

"Cameras.", he says matter of factually,"I helped them build some of these rooms."

Suddenly, my face flushes with anger,"You helped them build these hell holes?!?!"

Kyle turns to me and smirks,"Only for one advantage.... I made a few faulty cement blocks for easy escape."

"Wait!", I hiss, turning back to the fourth corner,"They can hear you."

"No.", he scoffs,"And for good reason. They may want to make sure the mates are copulating, but they sure as hell don't want to hear hundreds of people moaning simultaneously."

I can feel the blush rushing to my cheeks,"But if they can see us, how will we escape."

"A little bit of risk.", he opens his palms to show me a few rocks,"And a little bit of calculation. Give me your hair tie."

Confused and terrified, I carefully pull out my hair tie grandmother so carefully placed and drop it in my palms.

Kyle takes one of his rocks, puts it between the hair tie and aims it in the corner.

"There's no way you'll hit tha-", my voice is cut off the sound of his rock colliding with glass.

"Alright.", he quickly throws my hair tie to the side and rushes to the wall. To my surprise, he begins to kick on it with great force. 

At first I think that his plan failed, but then I notice the slight movement of the block every time he delivers a kick.

My eyebrows raise and I kneel down to pick up my dress and slide it back over my body. 

Carefully zipping up the back.

He must me a lot better at physics than I had imagined.

After several kicks, he finally creates a hole about the size of a fist. He then uses his hands to tear apart the wall enough so we could easily crawl through.

The sound of guards knocking on our door fills the room and I can hear the soft chime as they rush to find the right key to open our door.

Kyle quickly gets up and holds out his hand,"Rose! We need to leave!"

I hesitate, almost frozen in place. 

If we're caught, we'll be forced to live the lowest life possible. With barely enough food to live. 

Or worse.

They may perform experiment.

"Rose.", Kyle's voice pleads with me now,"Trust me. I'll keep us safe. I promise. Just.. Trust. Me."

In a moment of adrenaline, I bite my lip and softly lay my hand in his.

He motions for me to crawl out of the hole first and quickly follows. 

As soon as the two of us get up, I can hear the guards open the door.

Kyle grabs my hand and pulls me hard to run.

The sun is bearing down on us and I notice it's the first time I've been able to appreciate the weather.

With a taste of freedom on my tongue, I grab Kyle's hand tighter and force my legs to run faster.

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