Chapter 6

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Rose's POV

Surprisingly, it wasn't all that hard to fall asleep in the tent last night. I had thought that my anxiety would keep me up all night.

But I guess the walking had tired me out enough. 

At a little bit past dawn, I was woken up by Kyle.

"Come on.", he lightly says,"We gotta get going. Can't stay at one place for too long."

Right now, there is nothing I want more than sleep... But I force myself to wake up anyway. Though I really wanted to punch him in the face at first. 

"Alright, alright.", I get up and stretch my arms up over my head.

Kyle and I both step out of the tent and begin to roll all of the equipment up.

To my surprise, he puts everything back into the hole he dug.

"What?", I ask,"Don't we need these?"

"I don't think you want to carry all of this.", he pats the ground a few times after he put the soil back into the hole,"Besides, I have the same things at the next site."

"How far is it?", I rub my arms, it's very chilly. 

"About ten miles.", he gets up and begins to walk, handing me a fresh bottle of water and another can of tomato soup.

"Do you have any other kinds of soup at the next stop?", I take a drink.

He smiles,"Sadly no."

We walked the first mile in complete silence. Wow, we really need to fix the awkwardness between us. It's getting kinda weird. I mean, he just saved both of us. It's a bit strange that we're having a hard time figuring out what to talk about. 

As if reading my mind, Kyle asks me,"So, did you have anyone with you before the gathering?"

"Yes.", I look up at the sun peaking through the clouds,"My grandmother... Well, not my real grandmother. But everyone called her that at the foster home. What about you?... Or maybe that was a dumb question."

Kyle laughs,"No, I didn't have anyone. But I'm glad. It would be hard to execute this plan if there was someone who knew so much about me."

"Yes, I suppose that makes sense.", I sigh,"I just hope my grandmother doesn't worry about me when she finds out the news that I left. Or worse, I hope she doesn't get punished."

"Yeah, our government does have a strange way of executing plans.", he agrees,"What did she tell you before you came to the room?"

I took a few moments before answering his question,"She was just as unhappy as I was. But she tried to give me advice to make it as easy as possible." I bit my lip to keep from laughing; thinking about her 'advice.'

Kyle furrows his eyebrows,"What advice could have possibly made it better?"

This time, I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face,"Trust me, Kyle. You do NOT want to know."

He frowned,"Now I'm more curious. Come on, we've got a long ways ahead. We might as well talk and pass the time."

"Alright.", I chuckled,"You asked for it."

He raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"She gave me advice on how to get pregnant.", I covered my mouth in attempts to hold in laughter.

Kyle smiled,"Oh really? Like what?"

"Well, for one; she told me to stick my legs up in the air after sex. She told me it would get me pregnant sooner.", I could tell my face was turning beet red.

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