Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

When I woke up, I noticed that Kyle still had his arm around me. It made me wonder if he stayed like that all night. Wasn't it uncomfortable for him?

Nonetheless, I can't help but realize how nice it feels to cuddle with him.

"Alright.", Kyle begins to wake up, speaking in a groggy voice,"We should really begin to head out."

I can't help, but be a little disappointing that we can't stay like this for a little while longer. But we do have other things to take care of. More important things. Like staying alive.

"Alright.", I sit up and stretch my arms over my head,"So we'll be there today?"

"Yep.", Kyle begins to put our equipment back into the bag.

"Have you ever been there before?", I grab a few things off the ground and hand them to him.

"No.", he stands up straight as soon as everything's packed,"But I've heard of it."

My eyebrows narrow,"How did you hear of it? You said you don't talk to your father. Who else knew about this?"

"Eh, it's complicated.", he says,"It will make a lot more sense when we get there."

"Okay.", I sigh,"If you say so."

"When have I ever let you down?", Kyle says in a teasing way.

"Oh god.", I laugh,"Don't make me bring up the skateboarding incident again."

"Again, not my fault.", Kyle holds up his hands in defeat.

The two of us finish packing everything and Kyle buries all of the equipment in the hole. 

"So, I never asked you.", I begin once we start walking,"What made you decide that you want to take such a big risk?"

"I could ask you the same thing.", he says.

"But you actually built the room where everyone meets.", I say,"How did you have the guts to actually put trap doors, or whatever you did, in it? Weren't you afraid of getting caught?"

"I'd rather get caught than actually go through with the gathering.", he looks at me.

After a few seconds, I finally say,"Not many people would... But I'm gad that you were chosen to be my mate, either way."

He looks at me, eyebrows raised.

"How else would I have gotten out of there?", I continue, meeting his gaze,"And at least it's someone kind enough like you. Thoughtful."

Kyle blushes a little and runs his hand through his hair, trying to cover it up. I though it was kinda cute.

"Oh, wow.", he laughs,"Thanks."

"Well, what about you?", I ask.

"What?", he looks at me again with confusion.

"Well... What do you think of me?", I bite my lip nervously.

Kyle begins to blush again,"Oh.. You're-you're...uhhhh..." He begins to fumble with his words.

"It's okay.", I interrupt, covering up the hurt I'm feeling,"I was just kidding."

Kyle stops in his tracks and holds my wrist to get me to stop too.

"You didn't let me finish.", he said earnestly,"You're amazing..."

I look into his dark brown eyes. I notice each and every one of his features. He's handsome. Very handsome. 

Kyle reaches up and lifts my chin up with his fingertips. I hold my breath; waiting for what's to come. 

Slowly, he lifts up my chin so that my lips meet his. 

He moves away after half a second and looks at me, unsure of my response.

But instead of saying anything, I reach up, wrap my arms around his neck and pull him back down to my lips. 

We kiss slowly at first, getting more and more intense as each second passes. 

When we finally pull away, Kyle touches his forehead to mine,"We should get going. It's not much further."

I bite my lips, not wanting to go anywhere right now,"Okay."

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