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It was a couple days later. Friday night actually. We had gone out to a party and I had drank quite a bit this time and we were currently in the woods trying to find our way home.

"I'm gonna puke." Skylar groans and I giggle at her. "Shut the hell up." She hisses and Liam walks over to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder pulling her close.

"If she's gonna throw up, I wouldn't do that." Brett says to Liam and he backs away a little bit.

"You're such an ass." Skylar mumbles. This is the first time she was drunk.

"Who?" I asked and she pointed to Brett. "He does have a nice ass..." I said to myself and Brett chuckled.

"You do too." He whispers in my ear and I hiccuped.

"Great." I groaned.

"You're an ass too Liam." Skylar says to Liam.

We kept walking through the woods and I tripped almost falling. Liam laughs loudly and I groaned flicking him off. Soon enough karma got Liam back when he was walking ahead of everyone and he fell into the ground. I bust out laughing and Skylar stumbles over to him.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?" Skylar asks and I'm still laughing. "This isn't funny." She hisses at me and I nod.

"It is too." I continue to laugh and she rolls her eyes, shaking her head.

"Brett, help me?" She requests and he nods. He walks over to Liam and grabs one hand while Skylar grabs the other and they both pull him out. He lifts himself off the ground and we walk back to my place.

"You guys can have the extra bedroom." I told Skylar and Liam. They both nodded and went upstairs into the guest bedroom. "I just wanna sleep." I closed my eyes.

"Well you can't go to sleep standing up, you'll fall over." Brett chuckles and walks over to me. He lifts me up in his arms and carries me upstairs. He lays me on the bed and next thing I know everything's black.


The sun peaked through my window the next morning. I slowly opened my eyes then squinted as the sun shined in my eyes, it was freezing and that was the only warmth I had. My head was throbbing and I thought back on last night. All I remember was going to that party at Lydia's house then me drinking. That's why I had a headache.

I was hungover.

I stretched my limbs before turning over to feel and see nothing. I sat up and rubbed my face. I looked down to see I was only in the black shirt that Brett had on last night. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up walking into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth then walked downstairs. I saw Brett standing infront of the stove shirtless cooking and Liam was infront of the fridge grabbing the eggs.

I walked straight to Brett and wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my cheek on his back.

"There's my baby girl." Brett says and I smile. Baby girl. I liked that.

"Mhm." I hummed and he chuckled.

"Here." He turns around and hands me an Aleve. He makes me a cup of water and I quickly take the pill.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him and he returned it.

"You're welcome." He leans down and kisses my lips. He turns back to the stove and I stand next to him with my arms wrapped around him. "You always this cuddly in the mornings?" He asks and I shrugged.

"Yeah, when I've got someone to cuddle with. Sometimes I cuddle with Scott but most of the time he pushes me away and tells me not to touch him. He's not a morning person." I explained and Brett chuckled.

"I'll cuddle all you want too, whenever." He says to me. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and it could be either Skylar or Scott. Let's hope it's Skylar. My hopes and dreams were soon crushed when Scott walked into the kitchen.

"I smelled food and thought I'd make my way downstairs." He says and Brett laughs. "I'm just kidding, I already ate. I've got stuff to do today, mind watching her?" He raises an eyebrow at Brett.

"Yeah, we were gonna go out anyway." Brett says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"We were?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. "Oh." I giggled. I sat at the bar as I watched Brett continue to cook and Liam had vanished. Scott walks over to me and twirls the bar stool so I could look at him.

"Be careful today okay? I'll be back later this evening. Be careful while your out and if you come back home if Brett has something to do, you call someone to come stay with you or call me and I'll send someone over."

"I will Scotty, I promise." He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I love you baby sis."

"I love you too." He smiles at me then walks out the front door.

"Brother goals." Skylar says and I laugh. A plate of eggs and bacon was set infront of me and I looked up to see Brett smiling at me. He winks at me then turns around and goes to the fridge. "You two are so cute, it kills me."

"Yeah, you and Liam are pretty cute too." I giggled. I began to eat my food and Skylar clears her throat.

"I really am glad you're eating normal again." I smiled over at her.

"I don't have any reason not to." I said to her. She smiled at me and we continued eating. I had soon finished and put my plate in the sink and rinsed it then washed it. I walked upstairs into my room and Brett walked out of the bathroom.

"Get your bathing suit on." He tells me and I furrow my eyebrows but nod.

"Which one?" I asked walking over to my drawer.

"How many do you- whoa." He says as he looks in my drawer. I giggle as his eyes were wide. "That's a lot of bathing suits."

"Pick one." I instructed and he dug in my drawer. He pulled out my coral Triangl bikini top with the black bottoms. I grab the two pieces and go into my bathroom quickly changing. "Here's your shirt back." I laughed handing it to him.

"Yeah, I kind of need that." He says his eyes not meeting mine but staying at my chest. I scoffed shaking my head then turning to walk into my closet. I pulled on some Hollister shorts with a crop top. I put on my converse and went back into the bathroom to quickly do my hair and makeup.


I know it's sucky. I'm sorry, don't hate me.

Like this chapter was so sucky I don't expect you to vote or comment. I still love you guys though.


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