Chapter Two

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              I Do not own any part OF Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, D-Gray Man, Black Butler, or anything else I may choose to add.

On a second note the only thing I own is the story line and I'm _____ (the reader insert character).


Alright sorry for the long long long wait. Wow I fail. I just couldn't write for the longest time... I'm sorry. Well heres the next part. Enjoy :D

I only own your character and the story line. Not final fantasy or kingdom hearts.



I held my breath as we stepped further into the room. It looked like a giant meeting room. A large table with chairs spread around it. One side of the room had a giant window which is where I saw the man who I was supposed to call 'Father'. That word seemed so foreign to me.

“Vayne, may I have time alone with my daughter?” His voice was deep and commanding. I understood why he was the king.

“Yes Father.” Brother bowed deeply and backed out of the room, shutting the giant double doors behind him. The man by the window waited a few minutes until Vayne had finally walked away before he turned around and looked at me.

“My daughter. Please, come closer. Let me look at you.” He held his arms up, calling me to him. Standing in front of him, I could see his wisdom. His hands cupped my face and a smile grew on his. “Oh my daughter. ____, how I have missed you. How I wish you weren't found.”

His words confused me.

“What do you mean? You wish I wasn't found?” I stepped back, out of his reach.

“I have much to tell you, but it is not safe here.” He stepped forward and wrapped me in his arms. With this single hug I could tell he loved me. I hugged him back.

Moments later we let go and he slid a paper into my hands.

“Read it after dinner when you get into your room.” He whispered in my ear. “Oh my dear how beautiful you have grown. Tell me, do you remember anything before you were taken?” His voice had risen, signaling to me that we weren't alone anymore.

“Unfortunately no. Though Roxas and Namine tell me I have a younger brother.” I smiled playing along with him.

“Yes, unfortunate that your memory is gone, but indeed you do have a younger brother Larsa. I believe you will meet him soon, most likely at dinner. He has been very eager like Vayne to find you.”

“I look forward to meeting him.” I gave a genuine smile.

“Yes, the boy is very sweet. I'm sure you will get along just fine. And please, let me know if you need anything. Of course I'm sure you will have plenty of helpers. All of the workers here had taken a liking to you when you were younger and I'm sure that hasn't changed. Of course some might like you more than before.” He gave a wink and a blush crashed over my face.

“Father.” I paused. “I'm sorry, its just... Well can I call you Dad?”

“Of course. Vayne and Larsa are so proper that they wouldn't dare call me other than Father. To be honest, it gets kind of old. I would be honored to be called Dad.” He finished just as a knock came from the door.


“Father, dinner is ready.” Vayne's voice answered.

“Well, shall we go? I'm sure your hungry.”

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