Chapter Nine

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"Careful there Princess." A new voice said as arms wrapped around me and a chest cushioned my face instead of the hard wood floor.

Looking up I noticed I was in the arms of the tan boy named Vann.

"Oh... So-sorry." I apologized as I stumbled out of his arms and tried to stand up straight.

"Don't worry 'bout it. That's what a prince is for right? Saving the damsel in distress." He gave a giant smirk.

"I guess... But I'd rather not be a damsel in distress."

"Ah that's right, a princess who wants to save herself."

"No, just a girl. No formalities, no titles except for her name."

"I see well then I won't bother with the formalities. ___ care to dance?" He held his hand out all while still holding his smirk.

"Don't mind if I do Prince Vann."

"Eh... Not to fair of you to give me a formality when you don't want one yourself."

"Yes, but you never said to drop it."

"Touche, touche. You're quite quick with your tongue. You and Balthier would get along just fine." He gave a laugh and I could tell that he was closer to my age, still having a teenagers laugh, not quite like a boys but not that of a mans yet.

"And who is this, Balthier?"

"Oh why he's my friend. Though he isn't very liked by the law. He's a sky pirate. And a good one at that. One of these days when I can escape the clutches of Royalty I'm gonna join him up in the sky." His smirk grew with the hint of a dream.

"Those sound like what we call a terrorist back home." I giggled as his face fell a little.

"Well they kind of are here too, but Balthier and his co pilot Fran and their ship mate Penelo are in it to help people... Well.. Er..."

"Let me guess, more so the money the people pay them."

"Yes, but they only do hunts and things that are good." He started to wave his arms frantically and get louder, causing more people to look at us.

"Vann, its okay."I grabbed his arms and held them still, "It's okay, I believe you."

"Y-you do?" He started off loud before he realized all of the looks that were being cast our way."

"Yes I do." I smiled, "and I would love to meet these friends of yours."

"Oh thanks god! And you will." He smiled and the song came to an end just as someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"I do believe its my turn."

"Bye ____!" Vann waved, leaving me with a new partner.

    "Good evening Dearest Princess." He gave a small smirk, "Or as I caught from a friend of mine in the castle, should I just be calling you ____?"

    "I would prefer that yes. I'm not accustomed to the formalities that come with this life and I firmly don't want to be on a different level as those in the castle who do so much to help me."

    "I am shocked to find another with that mindset. Though we share the same thought, we also have to be careful in how we deal with it. I'm sure you have noticed a couple people who do not agree with how we view things. I for instance must be honest in saying that I did not want to be here, yet for formalities sakes, her I am." He gestured to himself and then held his hand out for me to take. "Yet I find myself unable to keep my eyes of of you. I am glad to be able to meet you. Now shall we dance?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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