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Bonnie's POV

The sun was shining through the window making the room have kind of a glittery look. Harry woke me up early this morning and told me to pack a bag with everything I needed. It seemed odd that we were leaving in such a time, with everything going on with his father, I'd assume we'd lay low.

Harry had something else in mind.

As I was packing my bags I stepped out to find Harry I needed to ask him about this  mysterious trip we were taking. When I rounded the corner Harry was settled at the breakfast bar on his phone. I must have scared him because when I went to tap his shoulder her jumped in surprise.
" Oh Bonnie, it's you. " he says in a sigh of relief. "Who else would it be" I laughed. He parted his mouth as if he was going to say something but before he could the front door opened, I couldn't believe my eyes. I even did that thing in the movies when you blink twice and rub your eyes go make sure your seeing clearly.

There stood Harry's father. That's evil son of a bitch. Before I could think I lunged at him but was quickly taking back by Harry. By the expressions on their faces they didn't see that coming.
"Fiery one you got there mate." He chucked with his rotten yellow teeth.

"No ones 'got me'." I huffed "what the hell is he doing here?" I direct this one at Harry, I was still in his arms trying to wiggle free so I could give this bastard what's coming to him.

"Listen this is why I told you to pack a bag, we're putting this behind you and I once and for all. I promise" he whispered the last part in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

I tell him to let me go and he complies of i agree not to take another dive at he's father until after I've heard the conversation. I agree and put as much distance between me and the devil as I can to prevent myself form trying to kill him.

"Alright now that the theatrics are over, let's get down to business. You call me over here with a proposition, I'm all ears" his father begins.

"I have a couple conditions before I start. First off in no way will Bonnie ever be harmed by you or one of your men ever again. Two after all of this I walk away and you never ask me to do anything else for this god forsaken family, three I take my share of the money which is forty percent. Can you agree to these terms, these terms are non negotiable. "

"Alright humor me."

"You know that job you always talked about would be your best job ever...?"

"Not the jux?" His father replied in shock.

"Yes the jux."

"I'm lost what's the jux?" I said.

"My father had been planing one of the greats bank heist that could ever be done for almost six years now and the only part missing for his plan was me? Because I refused to aid him in this. But because you hang in the balance I have agreed to help on those conditions."

I pace back in forth, know that all eyes are in me, I ponder my thought a little. I know that by doing this we could be free but I'm not going to just sit here an let Him do this by himself. I don't know him very well but my gut tells me I need to be there.

" On one other condition ... I go along with you.?"

His eyes widen in did belief. But they quickly go for shock to acceptance. He gives me a slight node showing that he's accepted my term.

"Alright laddie I believe we have a deal. I'll see you in London tomorrow."

As quick as he came he leaves.

"What the hell?" Is the first thing to come out of my mouth, rightfully so.

"I know, but this is the only way I get is out of this alive. There is more to me then I've led and on or flight to London I promise to tell you the deepest darkest places of me. I want you to fully understand why I have to do this and why I'm the only one who can pull it off"
I'm hesitant to respond to him because I'm just thrown in to all these situations all at once, so I take a second I already said I'd come along but I had to make sure it was the right decision.

"Okay but you have to tell me everything and you answer any question I ask about you not exceptions."


I get up for where I'm seated in the couch and go to the room where i resume folding my clothes in to the suitcase. I have a couple of secrets of my own, but I won't be the one spilling my gust on the flight to London.

I'm the deepest darkest places of my mind lie some things I haven't admitted to myself so how could I admit them to Harry.

I know in the back of my mind I trust this guy and I'd admit I'd follow him in to a bank Robbery if that's where he was going and I think he knows that.

As I finish packing up my suit case, I'm hit with an overwhelming feeling that what lies ahead might be bigger than I can imagine, and that I'd never be the same after all this is set and done.

The sun was setting now, the golden hour has past and I sit at the edge of the bed, bags packed thinking about the cards the future might hold for me.

(Hey lovelies I'm back!!! I'm finally writing again and I'm really happy about this chapter, some new developments are exciting and I'm anxious to see what happens in this ''jux' which is another name for bank Robbery. This chapter is kinda short but bare with me I'm just getting back in to the swing of things. So I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment telling me what you think and don't forget to vote it lets me know you guys are digging it lol ! Lots of love you those of you how are still reading. Peace)

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