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Love. Hate. Lust.

We all experience them individually at one point in our life's. But if your like me then you'd have no trouble saying that you've gone through hell experiencing all three at the same time.

Its been three months since I've moved to upstate New York, but I cant help but feel like something's missing, like I have unfinished business. I crashed with a friend I met from my job at the dinner. Its not the best place to live but I guess it will do for now till I get a place of my own. Every days the same, wake up, work , come home. I'm not complaining its just that ever since that I left Brooklyn every things been so mundane.

It was almost time for my shift at the dinner, bumping into one of many guys my roommate has staying over on my way to the bathroom. I quickly take a shower and get ready for work. Even though I live on the upper east side now there are a lot of slums here and I happen to be in one of them. I walk to work on my own sifting through my thoughts and humming lullaby my mother used to sing to me.

When I get to work I see familiar faces my roommate Megan and my co worker Michael me and him have seemed to get pretty close, he's friends with Megan so he comes by every so often and we share the same shifts. As I walk closer to Megan I can see she has that 'I've got something to tell you' face. I give Michael a friendly wave and walk towards Meg.

"What is it Megan ?" I ask, approaching her.

"What doll face I cant just look at you without having something to tell you."

"I know you better than that by now," putting on my work apron.

"Alright I do have something to tell you..." she pauses.

" Well go on , I do have a job to do " I edge her on.

" I'd rather show you." she says getting up from the counter she previously sat on and walks into the back kitchen. When she emerges from the kitchen in her hand is dozen sunflowers and an envelope.

"These came for you this morning along with a handsome boy," she hands them to me not before delivering me her famous smirk. I try not to laugh so I just return the smirk. I open the note and it reads:

Miss me love


How'd he find me, I'm hours away from Brooklyn he couldn't possibly know where I am.

"I don't want them." I huff shoving the flowers back in Megan's hands, throwing the note in the trash.

"But he was hot and lord knows you don't have a sex life being shacked up in the apartment all the time." She declares.

Rolling my eyes, Ignoring her, a customer walks in thankfully distracting me from having to continue the conversation with Megan. The day goes on normally, Megan tries to convince me to take the flowers me and Michael exchange glares. I usually lock up at night since I asked for extra hours to get some more cash.

Wiping down the tables I'm finally I'm done for the night so I lock up from the back cause its a faster way home. After I lock up I turn to walk down the street when I'm suddenly hit with something over the head. Shooting pains course through my head and my vision goes black for a few seconds.

"Hear take what you want just leave me alone." I scream over the pain, still unable to see.

"I don't want your money sweetheart" the man says, the voice sounding so familiar, It only takes me a couple seconds to realize who it is.

Tim. Uttering his name breathless I finally look up, and its him.

"You think you can just leave, and I wont find you" he sluggishly laughs. I don't say anything as he continues mostly because I'm doubled over in pain.

"I own you, stupid little girl and I intend to get every penny's worth." His words sounding truthful and demanding. What does he mean by ' I own you' . Before I could finish my thought, I'm hit with another wave of pain when his foot connects with my rib cage. I lay confused and beaten on the back ally of the dinner.

"Aw mommy and daddy never told you did they." he smugly grins. "The reason why mommy didn't want you around me is because she knew exactly who I was, and exactly what I do." he continues " Now lets give you a little history lesson." he picks me up by my hair and shoves me roughly against the wall.

"Your dad owed my dad money from gambling, and obviously your dad couldn't pay up. So my father pays you dad a visit, he was going to off your dad but that's when he saw you. My dad would forget about your dads debt if I could have you."

"What no, t-that cant be true, we were in love." No this cant be.

"Oh yes it is, and I haven't even got to the good part. Cause you see I never loved you, you were nothing to me because you were just a prostitute my dad paid for." The last few words cut deep and tears began to fall from my eyes in disbelief.

"And for the grand finale , your coming back with me and this time it wont be so nice." He says and I know he means it. Every thing i thought i knew came crumbling at the sound of his words. How could my father just sell me off like that.

"Your lying" I say in disbelief.

"Oh Bonnie when are you going to fucking wake up and smell the roses, it was right in front of you the whole time you stupid bitch, how could you think I loved you. I was cheating on you the whole time we were together." He laughs letting go of my hair, I side down the wall breaking down in tears and sobs.

I thought he loved me, I thought he loved me. Nothing was what it seemed in my life anymore I as living a lie.

"Come on get up, I've already wasted enough time coming here to get you." He says, as he about to take another cowardly attempt to hit me. He was suddenly stopped and as I look over and Harry was there holding Tim's arm. "That's enough mate." Harry snarls through his teeth. "Styles I told you to stay in the car while I handle some business."

Styles, how does he know Harry. Better question how the hell does Harry know Tim.

"You know I never really understood why father every favored you, your just a piece of shit." Father, their brothers.

"I told you to stay in the fucking car," Tim tells his brother.

"When the fuck do I ever listen to you the only reason I came with you is because dad told me I had to. Cause he knew you'd fuck it up "

"Fuck you, your no brother of mine," Tim says turning to kick me once again. Before he can do so Harry's fist connect with Tim's jaw, he falls unconscious. "Your no brother of mine." He spits as he kicks Tim's unconscious body. Everything I thought I new about my life regarding my parents and the person I thought I loved was a lie. My world had been turned upside down, and every time that happens Harry seems to be there. Now every thing seems to make sense, how Harry know about me and Tim and how he knew my name and how he knew where to find me. It made sense now he was the brother of that monster and I wanted nothing to do with him or his brother.

"Are you alright?" Harry ask helping me up from the ground. "No I'm not why don't you just go back to the car I'm sure you had a better view of my beating from there." I snarl through my teeth.

"I wasn't watching, I got out of the car right after he did when I realized where we were. I called my father because I knew what Tim was going to do to you. I had to let him know first hand because he didn't believe me last time. I just came round the corner and saw his sorry ass hitting you."

"Last time?" I ask.

"Yeah, my father had me keep tabs on you and my brother, to make sure he wasn't hurting you. So when I found out he was I told my father, but he didn't believe me."

"Why didn't he believe you," I have a million questions but that seemed to be the only important one at the moment.

"Because he knew I loved you, and I hated my brother." He simply says.

(A.N. Happy new year I hope you guys are starting off the year wonderfully.

Tim's scene, Intense right.

Hey lovelies make sure to vote and comment, I have big plans for Bonnie and Harry, so i'd love some feed back - xx cass)

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