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I felt betrayed, humiliated, violated but most of all hurt. I stood paralyzed as Harry grabbed my hand and lead me to the car. My mind simply couldn't function, it was over powered by missed placed emotions and trust. As Harry opened the passenger door I climbed in not sure where we were going. As he got into the drivers side, one thing continued to play in my mind like a broken record.


"Why?" I ask quietly as he turned the key in the ignition. Ripping his attention away from his action, snapping his head at me in confusion.

"Why what?" he asked confused.

"Why didn't you stop him from beating me," I start, but pause to get my thoughts In order."all those times I was given bruises and lash marks, you just what surveyed us. Why?"

He didn't speak for what seemed like hours but was only a couple of minutes. We had already backed out of the ally leaving Tim, now at a stop light he shut off the car and turned to meet my gaze.

"It wasn't like that," he started in a soft soothing tone."every time he stumbled in to the apartment drunk I knew what he was going to do. And every single time I wanted to kill him for it. But if I were to go in that apartment my father told me he would hurt me in the worst way possible." his eyes never left mine as he spoke.

"Hurt you how?" I asked not wanting to know the answer, but having to at the same time.

"By hurting y-you Bonnie." his head drops as he finishes. I'm not sure what to say because there is honestly nothing to say. My body is still sore from the beating i received. 

" I will never let it happen again." Harry promises. I believe him despite my lack of trust in him.

"Can you take me to my apartment?" I ask as Harry resumes driving. 

"You can't go back there." his low raspy voice resonates through the silent car.

"And why is that?" 

" Because he'll find you, he always will." chills run down my spine knowing that it's true, knowing that no matter where ill go sooner or later he Tim will find me.

"You can stay with me, no one knows where i live ive made sure of that." At this point i know i have no other choice i don't want to go with someone i barely know, but for some reason i trust him.

Harry's Pov

I was in deep shit . I didn't want to show it in front of Bonnie, but this wouldn't end well, After leaving Tim in the ally unconscious i knew my father would have my head on a spike so to speak. But i had to save her from him cause if i didn't he ruin her. He was a disgusting person, on the ride over to where rose lived he talked about the things he would do to her and how he'd treat her now that she ran away from him. I couldn't let that happen to her again, i didn't care what my father would do anymore because she was important and i would protect her. She was mine.

She had fallen a sleep about fifteen minutes in to the car ride, and damn she was beautiful when she sleeps. I couldn't help but look over at her every so often, the way her hair flowed gracefully over her shoulder as she slept. 

I was in deep and i didn't care because she was worth it and i didn't care what my father or anyone thought cause it only mattered what she thought.

When we go to my apartment building, she was still asleep without waking her i carried her up to my apartment and laid her on my bed. She doesn't know it but she the most beautiful thing in my fucked up life.

* I am sooo sorry that i haven't updated in forever but here it is and sorry that its soo short i just wanted to give you guys something. the next couple of chapters will definitely be longer so stay tuned loves - Cass

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