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{ Authors note: I hope you all like my story. Right now I'm working on one chapter a day but for more updates please comment and vote. I can use all the feed back I can get, its also mutually beneficial.}

(On another note I'll become more advance as I continue to write. Thank you lovely's for reading. Enjoy xx)


Bonnie's POV

As the familiar sting of the scorching hot water touched my skin, I knew it was my only reliever. I began to lather my luffa with soap while I hummed one of my favorite songs.

Unknowingly he walks in the bathroom and proceeds to open the curtain. As his hands collide with my skin I know what is going to happen next. His hands begin to caress every part of my body, knowing all the place that make me rigged inside.


I love him and he love's me.

I've never loved anyone like I love him. But I have loved before and they left me in pieces.

He's the only one that has been putting the parts back in place.

He's showed me he loves me and is willing to prove it the only way he knows how.

By killing a man.

Knowing that he will kill for me makes me scared for what's going to happen next.


"Your a piece of shit, your nothing" he yelled out in a blind furry then proceed to slap me.

"Your just a stupid whore that spreads her legs for anyone"

There was no truth to his words he was wrong. He was the only one I've every been intimate with.

And at one point I loved him. But that love began to shrivel away as soon as he shriveled away into a bottle of scotch.

He brought his hand up to hit me again, but before he could finish that action he passed out from all the drinking.

This was the second time that he hit me. Both times being that he was drunk. He'd promise never to hit me again but he did, and I should have know he would.

Leaving him passed out on the floor I went to my room and shut the door. Looking in the mirror I can see bruises forming where his hand connected with my skin.

It was enough.

I won't take this abuse anymore. I began to pack my things when I heard a faint groan.

He was waking up, I didn't have much time. I finished packing the last of my belongings in to a seemingly large suit case I snuck out the door down the hall way and out of the building.

After calling for a cab I took out my phone, going through my contacts to see if I could find somewhere to stay the night.

I didn't have much friends moving to New York. I pretty much didn't have any except for Tim.

Me and Tim fell in love in Portland and moved to New York to start a life together. So he was pretty much the only person I had there.

The beatings didn't start right away, he was kind and loving but there was always something off about him

The way he would spazzed out when he was mad at me. and his jealousy went beyond cute and cuddly.

But I over looked it because love is blind.

We came into a money problem and we could barely pay rent every month so Tim would drown him self in alcohol.

When he would come home he'd try and force him self on me a couple of times but pass out before things got physical.

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