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"You don't even know me" I make known if it wasn't obvious already, out of breath puling away from our embrace. Turning around slowly, touching the place his lips once connected with mine. I start to gather my things at a slow pace, not quite wanting to leave yet. Softly grabbing my arm he turns me around to face him.

"Does it matter" seduction in his voice.

"It does" I stated. 

What was happening right now, this complete stranger basically followed me out of the dinner and proceeded to kiss me. But the scary thing is that I returned the action, and i liked it.

Bonnie he's a creep what the hell are you thinking. The sub conscious voice in my head reminding me.

Pulling me away from my thought's he kisses me again, this time i don't let the contact last anymore than a couple seconds.

"You have to stop that" i retort now slightly irritated.

Seeing my discomfort he releases me from his grasp, he look's almost ashamed of what he's done. He quickly recovers and begins to speak.

"I'm Harry " he manages to say still a little taken back from my reaction to his second attempt to assault me.

"Oh really, that's cool. I have to go now " turning on my heals and walking off in a hurried pace.

"No, I-I'm sorry" He says much too fast making the words rushed. Running to catch up to me, he grabs me. This time i jerk my arm from his hand, not wanting a repeat of the last few minutes. Still walking off he runs to walk in front of me, stopping me. I quickly walk around him, not really in the mood to hear what he has to say.

"Please just listen to me for a second, give me five minutes to explain" This mysterious man pleads. 

How could he possibly explain kissing a complete stranger. If i wasn't already drained from this evenings earlier events i would have already have him knocked out on the streets.

"I should have you laid  out on the street for that little stunt you pulled back there. So no i wont let you explain shit ! Good bye." I have no problem saying exactly what I'm thinking. Proud, i begin to cross the empty streets still unsure of where I'm staying tonight. I only have a couple hundred dollars on me after going through Tim's wallet as he laid passed out on the living room floor.

"Just fucking stop and listen to me Bonnie!" He pleas.

How the...

"How the hell do you know my name" Now rushing towards him, the opposite of what i thought i'd be doing. I needed answers.

"Oh so now I've got your attention" A smirk wide on his face, and an accent  clear in his voice.

"How the hell do you know my name?" I ask again, but more forced this time.

"Are you going to give me my five minutes now ?"

"Go on before i change my mind" I tell him. 

"I've just moved to New York from England, and about a couple weeks ago. I had gone in to a local DMV to register for a state ID. I was waiting in line listening to these two Americans having a shit conversation about something really pointless. You Americans are really aggravating  you know." 

I manage to hide the amusement as this clearly beautiful man tell me how he knows my name, not getting to the point quick enough i might add.

He continues.

"As it was almost my turn, that's when i saw you. The moment i saw you i knew i had to have you and that nothing would stop me. But then i noticed that you were already accompanied by another man. Something in your eyes told me that you weren't happy, and I'm rarely wrong. Just one look at you Bonnie and i could tell your broken inside, that he had broken this beautiful women i see in front of me. I approached the counter that you were standing at before you left and before the clerk at the counter pulled the papers away i cough your name Bonnie Sanders i..." 

Cutting him off.

"So what, you thought that you'd find me and we'd magically fall in love." throwing my hands in to the air.

Shock spread across his face.

"Sorry to break it to you mate," mocking his accent  " but this is New York things like that don't happen. It doesnt work like that, I don't know how they do things in England but its not happening over here." I state walking away form him, he's clearly mad but ill give him an 'A' for effort.

"That's not the point" He stiffens.

"Oh?" I'm shocked that he's the angry one.

"The point is that you deserve to be loved. Give me a chance i can make you love again" he says softening his features. 

"First off you know nothing about me, and second off get the hell out of my face. My night has already been fuck over enough, i dont need this."

I storm off done with this conversation and done with him.


"No! stop calling me that"

"What your name" he says clearly amused.

"Yes, stop calling my name! You have no right, you don't know me you have no idea what I've been through! So for you to try and give me some type of false hope is sick. " Tears now streaming from my face.

I've reached my breaking point at this moment. I simply walked off wiping my tears.

"I've upset you" He says in a whisper, i almost didn't hear it.

"Clearly you have" I say still highly upset.

"All i wanted was for you to give me a chance. To show you that love isn't cruel."

He seems to know more then he's letting on.

"I've given chances in the past to people  who didn't deserve them. Look where chances put me, on the streets homeless and broke." i say fighting back tears that try and fight there way out.

"Let me show you that i deserve it then. I want to show you how love from a real man feels like, if you give me the chance."Harry finishes.

How does he know I've given up on love? Better question, how did he know i'd be in the dinner? My mind is doing back flips now. Trying to take in all of the newly acquired  information. I want to know more. I have to know more. At this point i can't deny it any more, he was like fire and all i wanted to do was jump right in. But  i wont let my self fall in to the same trap again. I needed sleep, sleep was the only rational thing that could come from this.

"I'm sorry i don't know who you think i am but I'm not what your describing, so if you'll excuse me i should be getting on my way now. I'd appreciate it if you didn't follow me this time."

Picking up my luggage i began to walk away for what seemed the tenth time tonight.

Rounding the corner, i look back and he's not following me. I'm not sure how to feel at this point, but i know sleep is the answer. 

I know There's a motel a few blocks over. Even a dirty motel sounds good right about now given the events I've just endured.

(Thank you a ton for reading my second chapter 'fire' not to hot and not to heavy i hope haha. The langaue is alittle more PG-13 now so if you dont like it im sorry. Please comment and vote id love to spark up a conversation. Tell me your likes and dislikes constructive critisium only please. Thanks again lovelys for reading xx- cass)

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