The motions

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Bonnie's POV

I shut the door behind me, locking it and sliding down my end of it and collapsing on the floor in shock.

What the hell did I get my self into. Okay so let's take a second here a recap on the last couple of months of my life. I've managed to run away from an abusive relationship, get caught in hiding, beaten in an ally and have live with a guy I barely know for some odd weeks now.

My life makes absolutely no sense to me. Never did I ever imagine things like this actually happen to one person in a life time. I'm just the poster child for bad luck.

My head is kind of fuzzy so I get up from where I was and lay on the bed. I don't understand anything anymore. How could all this be happening, and how could I feel such loyalty to a man that Have the devil for a father and his spon for a brother.

I could understand it but that wasn't what I needed to focus on at the moment. I need to get my head in the game, this was the real deal and I'm following Harry literally into a bank robbery.

I honestly don't know who I'm becoming, all I know is that I'm not that same girl fighting for her life in a abusive relationship just a couple months ago. I just have to accept that I've changed. And I will eventually. For right now I had to focus on helping Harry and watching his back as he did mine.

I was also finally going to get answers from Harry but I had a feeling that he's not going to tell me everything, and that there's some kind of darkness lurking behind those beautiful eyes of his. He's gone through something traumatic and it might be something he's not willing to tell me. I want the only one with a troubled past and I found a kind of comfort in knowing I wasn't alone.

"Are you ready love?" Harry called out.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I slyly remarked as I walked out into the living room, he gave me a cheeky smirk, as we locked the door behind us not know that it would be the last time i ever step foot in that apartment ever again. 


The flight was long but the upside to Harry having a homicidal mob boss of a father is that we get to sit and first class for our entire flight. That was the only up side to that flight.

Like i predicted Harry wasn't too forth coming with everything I wanted to know. He told me a little about his childhood, but was obviously holding back a lot more.

He told me that his mother and father split when he was very young, and he got in to a lot of bad things as a teenager, but not as bad as what his father got him into.
" My mum sent me away, but she didn't know what breed of monster my father was at that time." Harry explained "she would tell me how he was when I was a kid and that he's changed and has his own business now."

"Yeah a mob business" I said in my head, and the way he looked at me as if he knew what I was saying in my head.

We spend the rest of the fight talking and I learn a lot about Harry. He has so much hurt and he's seen so much, I start to wonder if I'm the only one that's broken.

We get off of our flight and we already have a car waiting for us. We get in and we're on our way.

HEY GUYS! I know this has been a long time coming i decided to publish what i had written down after reading because it felt right. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. let me know what you think. xoxoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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