Chapter 1

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I ran into school just in time to see my two best friends Jas and Jack, surrounded by guys and basically panicking about it. You see, even though Jas and Jack are gay, not many people in our school hate them. In fact, everyone treats them like they're any other person. But, since the two of them are single, cuties, and gay, many bisexual and gay boys have come out just to try and get them on dates. Why do I say try? Because any guy who wants to go out with them has to go through me first. I seem pretty un-intimidating, standing at 5'4", with black-brown hair, dark blue eyes, glasses, being a little on the chubby side, my baggy clothing, and somewhat deep voice, I look and sound like a feminine guy, and I dream of becoming a journalist, so once you step into my domain, you're screwed, for I can, and will, squeeze every last drop off truthful information out of you. Jas and Jack both stand at 5'3" (which I proudly hold above them, for both they and I are done growing) and Jas has straight red hair, green eyes, freckles, and had a lean swimmers body due to being the captain of the swim team. Jack, on the other hand, has longish blonde hair, blue eyes, cute little dimples every time he smiles, and slight curves that look natural on him. Like I said, cute, right? "Ash!" Jack yelled, waving when he saw me. Suddenly, the crowd grew four times smaller. "Ah, so most of them were the usuals..." I murmured to myself while walking over. "Hey you two!" I grinned while glaring at all the other boys. 'The good thing about having dark blues-you can scare the shit out of others.' I thought to myself, smirking as I saw more than one boy flinch when my eyes roamed over them. "So, Jack and I want to come over to your house tonight, since it's Friday. You free?" Jas asked, titling his head, simultaneously making every guy-but Jack-in a ten-foot radius drool. "Yeah, I believe so...I'll have to ask Drei or Dual." I said. Drei and Dual are my nineteen year old twin brothers, who have had custody over me since they turned eighteen and got emancipated, thus pulling me out of our crazy household. I quickly texted them, and after getting a very excited 'Yes', nodded. "Yay!" Jack sang, making every guy-except Jas-blush. I scowled and pulled them away from the group and walked with them to our first period, saying, "Let's go!"

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