Chapter 2

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"Ah, what a lovely day!" Jas said, stretching and showing off his abs and simultaneously making all his admirers leer. I glared fiercely, and growled lowly, effectively scaring them all. "Jas, your shirt." Jack said, not even looking up from his phone."Oops. Sorry you two." Jas chuckled, putting an arm around Jack's shoulder, and leaning into my side. I grinned and wrapped an arm around his waist, saying, "Let's go to my house you two. In the car we go!" As I let the two run ahead, I hear one of the usual guys call my nickname. "Ash! When are you going to let us date Jack and Jas? You've got some admirers as well." I huff slightly and turn to the group. "Never. And why do I have admirers? I don't even like either gender." Once I said that, I heard many girls and even some guys groan in disappointment. 'Really? I never expected so many people to be sad about that...' I thought to myself. Just as the guy was going to say something, my car horn honked. I turned to see Jas with his hand on the horn, glaring at me. I grinned slightly, and saluted the people, then jogged to the car. The minute I opened the driver's door, I was blasted with one of my favorite songs, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic!at the Disco. I whooped, then got in. We belted out the lyrics during the ride, and when we got home, we smiled, and went in."Welcome home Ash!" Drei said, coming into the living room with an apron on, hugging me. I grinned and hugged back, excited, as always, when I get home. "Where's Dual?" I asked, pulling away from the hug. Drei smiled and said, "In his study." He then hugged Jas and Jack, lingering with the latter. I smiled a little sadly, and walked up to Dual's study. I knew Drei liked Jack, while Dual liked Jas, but whenever the two come over, Dual nor Drei want to admit it, due to being to old for them! I gritted my teeth at my thoughts, and knocked on the door of the study. "Come in!" Dual said. I turned the handle to see something surprising-Dual and his (but not Drei's for some odd reason) best friend, Hadrian, laughing and sitting together. "Ah, Ash! You remember Hadrian, right?" I nodded. "Good. Now, you'll be seeing him more often, for he and I are now dating." I froze for a moment, then smiled. "Good for you'll stop bothering Drei and I about not having a love life." I teased, ducking at the paper ball Dual threw at me. "Come say hi to Jas and Jack already you big dork." "Alright."

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