Chapter 3

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I have never hated anyone in my whole entire life until now. It has been a month since Dual and Hadrian started dating, and Hadrian is horrible to us. The worst part is that he does it when Dual isn't around! Like now...
"Ugh, what are you thinking Dual and Ash, you two can't make that for your brother, he's on a diet!" He screeched, glaring at the food we're making. "What kind of diet can he go on, we're vegetarians." Dual growled, looking like he was about to bend the spatula he was holding in half. "A no carb diet obviously." Hadrian spat, his glare shifting to us. "Oh? Does he know this?" I snapped, the wooden spoon in my hand splintering with the pressure I was putting on it. "Not yet, but he said he would do anything for me!" The bitch said snobbishly, sniffing is disgust at the tofu stir fry we had finished. I glanced at Drei to see his face turning red. He looked point five seconds away from punching Hadrian in the face--or kicking the guy in the balls. Suddenly, Jack came in and smiled after smelling the food we made. "Oh, tofa stir fry, our favorite!" "No, we're going to have salsa with chips." Hadrian spat, taking the plate Jack had filled up and dumping it out. Drei snarled, "Jack is allergic to tomatoes, Ash has an intolerance for peppers, and Jas is allergic to onions. We are having tofu stir fry, whether you like it or not."
Hadrian balked at the fierceness in Drei's voice, but smirked and picked up his phone, dialing a number. "Hello, Dual? Yes, Drei isn't allowing me to make my salsa!" The asshole said tearfully. Then he handed the phone to Drei, saying with a smirk, "He wants to talk to you..." Drei got close enough to me that I could hear both sides of the conversation, and said, "Hello?" "What is this about you not letting Hadrian help you make dinner?" Dual's voice whipped through the phone, cool and disappointed. "He's making salsa! Ash, Jack, and Jas can't eat it!" Drei said back, frowning. "So? They don't have to eat it. And I wasn't hungry for stir fry anyway." Dual said flippantly. Drei and I looked at each other in surprise, and back at Hadrian, who smiled and waved. "Fine. Then I'm taking Ash, Jack, and Jas out to eat. You enjoy your time alone with Hadrian." Drei snapped, hanging the phone up without hearing Dual's reply. "Jack, get your coat. Jas! Get your coat, we're leaving!" Drei yelled, grabbing his own coat before stomping out. "Toss the stir fry out since you two won't be eating it." He snapped at Hadrian, who stood there seeming surprised that Drei didn't stay to see Dual come home, but a smirk wiped the look off his face. "Gladly." Drei snarled and walked out the door, the three of us behind him. We get out of the garage to see Dual pulling in, seeming angry. "Hadrian is inside making the salsa you wanted. I told him to throw out the stir fry because you two aren't going to eat it, so why let it go to waste? If you need anything, don't call us." Drei said to Dual, driving off before he could yell at us. Jack, Jas, and I shared a nervous look. The two fight, but they never fight like this, and it scares me. 'Hadrian better not be the reason my family breaks apart...' I thought to myself.

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