Chapter 1- The Wedding

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So I don't think I really introduced myself , I mean I was drugged up of course I couldn't but anyway I'm Janessa Parlicity, I'm 17 year old and I live in a small town in Oregon called Medford or as I like to call it, Methford. There's so many fucked up people here you couldn't even imagine. I'm 5'6, I know I know I'm short shut up. I have long dirty blonde hair, I always wear band T's and skinny jeans, oops. I mean I'm not the nice girl, if you piss me off, excpect something out of it. I am really quiet but I mean you could say I'm the bad girl type, I'm always in trouble, I mean I don't try to be but I have my mood swings quite often. But to get off of the topic let's get to friends, I don't have a lot of them, Matt and Indy are my two best friends, I've know Matt pretty much all my life, we are litterally the complete opposite, he is the good boy but at the same time he's always partying, I don't like to party myself, I mean yea I'm a stoner but I still don't party. And then we have sweet little Indy, we met two years ago in our freshman year, she was getting attacked by some of my old friends and I didn't want that image so I ended up beating the shit out of the two and saved her, I mean usually I'd never do that, I still don't want that good girl image, but I did and we've been best friend ever since. Me Matt and Indy walk around like siblings but I kinda think that them two have a thing for each other, that would be cute.

So anyway today is my brothers wedding, and my eyesight is still fucked up as hell, I didn't sleep at all last night so I'm really wondering how this is gonna go. I'm a brides maid and I have to walk down the isle with a guy I used to have a life long crush on, Dalton, well thanks Jason, way to help me get over him. Dalton never knew I liked him, at least I don't think, he's a senior so I'm only a grade lower then him, not that it really matters. Anyway Lyssa and him are like brother and sisters which is the reason I know him, I always was trying to get the nerve to tell him I liked him but then he started dating Bella, the most popular girl in our school, the fucking day I was gonna tell him, why thanks Bella, I don't even understand how cause he's such a nerd, sorry for my liking of nerds but I mean he's a really attractive nerd if I may say so myself.

**3 hours later**

"so how are you doing jenessa?" Lyssa asked me sounding nicer then usual, she's just exited cause the weddings about to start.

"I could be better but im good enough." I just wanna get this over with, and not to mention we have to walk barefoot, ON ROCKS. It would be nice for at least some padding on the ground.

We all got in our spots and linked arms with our partners, meaning I had to link arms with Dalton, great. We started walking but we had to walk around this thing so we could enter the back which would take about a minute. The guys get to have shoes, lucky fucks.

"do your feet hurt?" Dalton asked Me.

Oh holy fuck his voice.

" yea." I said that kinda rudely, oops.

"badly.?" He said.

"obviously." Why am I so mean fuck.

"I'm gonna pick you up make sure your dress stays down." He laughed.


He picked me up and all I could do was laugh and burry my face in his chest while he had me in his arms bridal style. Man I think I'm falling for him again.



He set me down at the end. His girlfriend's out of town so I guess he doesn't care what he does.

"mah lady" he stuck his arm out so we could link arms again so I linked mine with his. We walked down the isle and separated to our sides, he kept staring at me throughout the whole seromony and I just stared back, no emotion, no smiling, just staring. Finally he let out a little smirk cause I laughed a little. The seromony was over and we had to walk back out in our pairs, he stuck his hand out this time so I grabbed it and we intertwined fingers.

Fuck man what is he trying to do to me.

After the wedding was died down me and Dalton just talked the whole time, I was going to Washington after everything was completely over.

"I don't want you to go." He looked at me with a pouting face.

Did he just.

"aw I know but I have to." I answered back with the same face.

" you know I really like you right.?" He stared at me.

He didn't just..

"like a lot." He seemed serious.

He did oh my.

"but what about be-" he cut me off and his lips touched mine, OMG this is not happening I'm just still drugged It has to be a dream, he just cheated on Bella, oh no she's gonna hate me ugh.

He pulled away, "you better get going, I hear a car horn, let's keep this between us okay.?" He smiled.

"Uh-uh o-okay" fuck I'm mumbling.

He kissed me on the cheek and walked away, whoa what just happened..

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