Chapter 5- The Explanation

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After lawley kissed me and rode off the only thing I could think to do now is, tell Nick everything, I looked over at nicks window on the second floor to make sure the light was still on, it was. I climbed up the wooden latter we built when we were kids and up in to the tree house right next to his window, we always had a stash of little pebbles so I took some and threw them at his window, when he came to the window I hid and then popped out.

"boo!" I yelled.

"WHAT THE FLYING LLAMA FUCK ARE YOU DOING.!?" He screamed and oh yea he's obsessed with llamas. Nick always reminds me of twaimz, they could very well be twins they look EXACTLY alike.

"sorry boo." I said as I stepped in his window.

I was just about to explain everything when we hear his mom down stairs.

"Nick! Are you alright?! I heard a screaming!" She yelled coming up the stairs.

"get in the closet go go go!" Nick whispered to me.

I went to the closet and his mom walked in and he acted like he was asleep.

"huh." She said confused and walked out the door, I walked out of the the closet and he turned the light back on.

"you lucky shit." He stared at me and I laughed.

"okay so um me and Kian kindasortamadeoutanditeasedhimandhemoanedandimstartingtohavefeelingsandidontknowwhattodo." I said knowing he won't understand.

"ok girl, I understood none of that, speak slower." He said, I knew it.

"ok" I looked down then up again. "me and Kian made out and I teased him and made him moan and I'm starting to have feelings for him and I don't know what to do." I looked down.

"i knew you were gonna eat face I just knew it, and I know it's hard but you went threw this before right.? I know you can handle this, come on I was your first kiss and you were mine and I remember feeling the same about you, but know I'm gay so, but anyways you got this, I know you do." He pulled me in for a hug.

"thank you nickers your the best. Can I just stay the night,?" I smiled.

"sure, i think we have things to talk about." He laughed and made a spot on his bed, yes we sleep in the same bed, no it doesn't matter cause he's gay, and no we'd never do anything.

We talked about the randomest shit all night and that was when he decided to pull out the pack of beer in his closet that I didn't even notice. we each drank our half Which means we each drank 12, man after that twelfth one we were out.

Nicks alarm went off but he didn't wake up so I jumed on his bed and he fell off and not long after so did I, we laughed but then ran to the window and puked insinc.

"sick day.?" He looked at me.

" sick day." I said and ran back to his bed, he told his mom and I told my brother and they called in for us.

"this is gonna be a longggg day." I said yawning.

"yea yea let's sleep." He said turning his lamp off.

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