Chapter 2- The Move

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So I'm on my way to Washington with my other brother and my dad and all I can think about is the kiss, the kiss, the kiss, the kiss. Wow. I'm starting to think he's just a fuck boy, well he kinda just cheated on his girlfriend and he's probably not even gonna tell her, but damn, he is a damn good kisser.

**8 hours later**

Washington is a really fun place to be honest, I mean it really depends on how you spend your time here, I've been here multiple times before so I actually know of things to do. Like for an example the neighborhood I'm now living in is really nice and has these long straight roads and I always penny board when I'm here. I called one of my best friends over to help me unpack all my stuff and he was in the house in like less then a minute, damn that boy and his skinny legs, his name is Nick, his house is slightly bigger, he's at least a month younger then me, ive known him since I was 10 which was how old I was the first time I came up here, when I'm here were almost together 24/7. When I first told Nick I was moving up here he was literally screaming at the top of his lungs, Nick finally came out last year that he was gay, I mean of course I knew he's my best friend. One time, 2 years ago, I took Matt and Indy with me up to Washington cause I had to have them meet Nick, we all went to this theme park an hour away in Idaho and hung out there for the whole day, Matt and Nick were together the whole day and would leave each others side, Indy kept looking at me and saying 'bromance' I just looked at them then back to her and laughed. At the very end of the day Matt and Indy had to head back to Oregon and I stayed the night at nicks house, nick looked me straight in the eye and said 'Matt is really hot' and he covered his mouth and said 'pretend I never said that' and we never spoke about it and the day he came out all I could do was look at him and yell 'I KNEW IT I KNEW IT RIGHT WHEN YOU SAID MATTS HOT I KNEW IT', oh good times.

"i still think you and Kian would be fab, but he can be a dick face, but so can you I guess," Nick said with his hand up.

"Nick I don't even know this 'kian' boy so stop, and wow thanks." I put air qoutes around kians name.

"I'm only kidding! And oh but you will." He smirked and I just rolled my eyes.

Nick always tells me about him and thinks that me and him would be the perfect couple cause were so much alike but I always deni it, I've never met him but still, I guess I'll have the chance to now, school starts in a day, wow I wanna see how this goes..

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