College Pt 2

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Picture above is a lot haha. Top left most corner is Payton's first outfit. Dress in the top middle is Payton's date outfit with the brown wedges, and rightmost is what Matt wore. Bottom corner is all of Danae's outfit.

Nicole's POV

I woke up excited for my new life to start. I was moving to California with my best friend, and my amazing brother. It was bound to be amazing!

Payton's POV

I woke up ecstatic, ready to move on with my life and make my mark in the world. I was moving to California with my best girlfriend, and I was moving to where Matt was. It couldn't get any better than that.I took a shower, my last shower in my bathroom, which I had grown to adore. Once done, I stepped out of the shower and got dressed. I wore light wash cuffed jeans and a gray t-shirt that was sort of cropped and some white vans. I did some light makeup and put on deodorant and body spray and spritzed on some perfume, and went down stairs. I was greeted by my wonderful family who had all pitched in to make me an amazing breakfast of fruit salad, waffles and sausages. I sat down at the table with my family, we said grace and started eating. I eyed the clock, it was 9:15 am. This time around, Drew was able to charter us one of his company's private planes. We were to meet the French's at the private airport at 11 and then we would both drive to the hangar. Our flight was scheduled to depart right at 11:15 am. We were to arrive in California around 1:05 pm because we were flying directly to the bay, so we didn't have to make a huge drive to the campus. I enjoyed my last breakfast with my amazing family and when I was done, I put my plate in the dishwasher and went upstairs. It was a last minute thing but I decided that I shouldn't bring Sadie with me. I was sad especially because she had been there for me when I was upset. But realistically I wouldn't have the time to give her the love and affection and care she deserves. I grabbed my one carry on bag of clothing, with the clothes that I couldn't fit anywhere and placed it right next to the door. I straightened up my room for the last time and sat down. My mother knocked on the door and entered softly. " Hey payton, can we talk for a sec?" she asked. I nodded and said "of course you can mommy" I told her.She sat on my bed facing me, already giving me the loving proud look, "okay Payton I just want to let you know how proud I am of you and what an amazing woman you'll be. With that being said,I fully expect you to behave yourself. Don't get yourself into drugs or underage drinking, there will be a time when you are allowed to drink. And even if you do end up drinking, do it responsibly. Take college seriously. You are going to get an education and you are lucky that you are attending such an amazing school. You need to take advantage of that and keep your grades up and your eligibility up. We are so excited to come watch you play honey." she finished. "thank you mom. I won't let you down" I said. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me in tight for a good hug. I took what my mom said seriously. I was going to have to buckle down. Soon my mom stood up and wiped a tiny tear from her eye. " I'll see you when we leave" she said. She walked out of my room and immediately after, Drew walked in. "Hey payday" he said. " hey drew the shrew" I said back smiling. He sat down on my bed and said " Okay mini lecture" I playfully rolled my eyes. " I know I came into your life maybe two years ago, but I hope you understand, I love you so much. You are such an amazing young woman and as I fell in love with your mom, I fell in love with you and your brother. You guys mean the world to me. You're my little big girl. " he said grinning. I chuckled. "College is a zoo. Control it. I know the whole guys thing isn't going to be a problem for you because of Matt, but party wise, don't overdo it with the drinking and absolutely no drugs" he said. "agreed" i responded back. " I know you're a smart responsible girl, so have fun and be safe" he said. I smiled and nodded. I leaned in for a hug and he hugged me back. He stood up and said, ok be down in 10 minutes, we gotta go okay?" he said. I nodded and gathered my things. I went to Cameron's room where he was looking for something, and as soon as I opened the door his eyes widened and he froze. " Hey buddy" I said smirking. He chuckled nervously and I smiled. "hey sis.. oh thank gosh" he said as he bent down and picked something up. He picked up a blue wrapped box and handed it to me. "for you sis" he said. I smiled and awwed. " Aw cam cam you didn't have to" I said smiling. I tore open the paper and in the box, revealed a gorgeous photo frame of all four of us at the wedding in that said family forever. Behind that was a picture of Cameron and I when we were young. I was hugging his head and he hugged my waist and we both smiled widely. I teared up a bit."Cam this is amazing, thank you" I said. "no problem sis, I've gotta show you i love you some how" he said smiling. I pulled in my baby brother for a hug and smiled at him. " love you buddy" "love you too sis" he said as we both pulled away. I put the frames in my suitcase and went downstairs. We all got into Drew's car and he drove us to the airport, away from the place I called home.

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