Lookin up

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Payton woke up with red puffy swollen eyes. She rolled out of bed and took a hot shower. She put on her make up to try and conceal her eyes as best as she could but they were still red. She put in some visine drops which has now become a part of her morning routine. She put on some skinny cut off jeans and and a black cropped tank top with white converse and a flannel around her waist. She did her hair in a high bun on her head. She wished she looked good. But she did. She didn't think it, but she did. She grabbed her backpack and went downstairs, where her mom and Cameron were. "Morning love" her mom said, "good morning mom" her mom slid her a plate with two toaster strudel and bacon, and Payton started to eat it sitting next to her brother.Cameron was wearing his beats so he couldn't hear a thing. Payton's mother intently looked at Payton. " honey why are your eyes so red?" She asked genuinely concerned. Payton replied, " I had cramps last night and I ran out out of tums" she lied. " oh well you know I have some in my room, you should have come" her mom told her. "Ya I know I'm sorry, I will next time." " it's fine, as long as your alright" she smiled. Payton smiled back. even though her mom was strict, she loved her for it. Payton soon put her dish in the sink and hugged her mom goodbye and got in her car a BMW x5. She drove to school debating on whether or not to go to Starbucks. She attended a large public high school but it was a good school. She didn't even know some of the kids in her grade. But they had an amazing volleyball program and she was the starting middle on varsity. It was still only the beginning of her junior year around September so the season was still going. As she parked her car she saw her friends Lexi, and Cassie walk up to her car. "Hey girl!" Lexi said. Lexi was white and Cassie was white and Mexican." Sup chica" said Cassie. "Hey guys let's go to class and actually learn today!" she joked. Although the three of them were quite smart, each of them with a 3.8 and above GPA. The girls walked into school and said their goodbyes and walked to their individual first period. Payton had world lit first so she took notes on some essay she had to write and then wrote a good chunk of it in class. As she was writing her pencil was jiggled causing her to scribble her next words. " hey what the heck! " she exclaimed as she looked up to see her best friend Jacob. Jacob was a basketball star and had been known all around the school as the most popular guy, also very smart and pretty handsome. "Why are you writing so hard you're gonna hurt your hand before your game today!" He joked. Payton froze. "dude I forgot I had a game today and left all my stuff at home" she panicked to Jacob. " dude chill we can go get it during off okay? I'll drive you" he offered. "Okay cool thanks" she sighed in relief. " we should just go get lunch too" she suggested. "Sounds good. Meet me in the library at free alright?" Jacob said. Payton nodded as she continued writing and jacob wiggled her bun and walked off. After two more boring classes, calc and physics, she walked to the library to meet jacob.

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