Chapter: 1 (The Finding)

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(A/N)hope you guys like it this is my first ever fanfic)(oh I almost forgot your a girl btw)
This print is your/Amethyst's thoughts
And this is the narrator , you'll probably only see this it the beginning of chapters

You're watching your favorite show"Steven Universe" peacefully until you hear the sound of keys jiggling, you knew it was your 28 year old sister,Ashley, she is a T.V hog.You quickly turn off the TV and run up stairs to your room and pretended you were asleep so you don't have to hear her  complain about her boyfriend, who always cheat on her
I hope she doesn't come up here
Why did mom leave for her business trip in Florida ,Ashley wanted to with her but of course she couldn't because that would mean leaving me..
I hate when mom treats me like I'm 10 when I'm 16 and can take care of myse-
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Ashley busting in your room and turning the lights "GET UP (Y/N)!"she yelled scaring the shit out of you"what do you want Ashley"You respond pretending that you was asleep"get up we're going to the movie with some of my friends"she said lowering her voice
She's acting too nice ,there got to be something going on
" ok as long as its not scary you know I hate scary movies"You stated
I hate scary movies I even shut my eyes and cover my ears when those commercials come on the tv...its my sister's fate the I hate scary movies in the first place

"Your Flashback"
10 years ago
"Hey sis can we see a movie"I said "sure why not and I have one in mind" Ashley snickered "which one... Tell me tell me " I begged "you have to wait and see" we drove to the movie theaters we walk up the the counter to see one of Ashley's friend heather she had nice long hazel hair that curled at the in. "Hey what up Ash who's this" heather said looking over the counter at me "Hey heather this she me little sis(Y/N) " she replied, I felt myself blush when she smiled at me it felt weird I never felt that way before "so heather can I get two tickets to see The Hand" Ashley spoke out of nowhere" umm are you sure?" Heather asked after her smile went away quickly "yea I'm sure trust me, (Y/N) is brave ,right (y/n)?" She asked looking at me with a smile "YEA!!!" I  yelled then heather handed Ashley two tickets and told us where to go, we walked to a door that had a  seven on it  we walked in and sat down and waited for the movie to start
*time skip :3*
The movie started I was so excited I leaned in closer then the biggest jump scare popped on the screen scaring everyone but I was scared the most " aaaaaa" I yelled and started crying in my knees all I could hear is Ashley laughing...


Don't worry so much" Ashley said sitting at your desk picking up a drawing that you drew " hey put that down!"you yell getting up"who is this?.. She's kinda cute, did you draw this" she said still holding the picture of amethyst you drew "that's amethyst she's a crystal gem from the show Steven Universe" you growled taking the drawing out of of her hand sat on the bed smiling at the drawing "awww (y/n) are you blushing? Hahahaha" she said you quickly pushed her out of your room and started getting ready you pull out black skinny jeans and a purple shirt that said"we don't need to be careful, we just need to be huge" with a picture of sugilite on it and some red converses. After putting it on you head downstairs seeing two of Ashley's friends who looked at you while coming down the stairs "nice shirt babe" one of Ashley's friend said he was 19 and had a blonde hair his name was mike he tried making you straight so many times before that you lost  count "mike she likes girls get over it ,move on"said the other one it was Heather ,you had a crush on her since 8th grade , you blushed after she said that "ok let's go guys" you sister said opening the door you all follow her.
*time skip :3*
You all sit down in the theater in this order ashley,you,heather, then mike then once another jumpscare popped on the screen you jumped and stared crying in your knees then Ashley started laughing, before heather could say something you walked out of the theater and sat on a bench outside then you hear Ashley call your name then sits next to you
*another time skip :3*
Your crying in your pillow then Ashley walked in you lifted your head up "GET OUT" you yelled at her "HEY I CAME TO SAY SORRY YOU DONT HAVE TO BE RUDE!" She yelled back curling her fists up you get up"RUDE... IM RUDE NO YOUR THE RUDE ONE , YOU TOOK ME TO A SCARY MOVIE WHEN I TOLD YOU THAT I HATE SCARY MOVIES ITS YOUR FALT THAT IM SCARED oF THEM" you yelled starting to cry
After the argument Ashely went to sleep
You open your door slowly and when down stairs and opened the front door, you ran to your secret spot in the wood near the lake ,when you reach to the spot you see a huge flat rock " what the hell is that" you say to yourself stepping closer to it "it looks like a warp pad in Steven universe while looking at it you see a note on it it reads
*Dear (y/n),
This is a warp pad ,it is active if you stand on it ,it will give you a better life but you can't come back here don't worry you will remember everything but all the people who knows you now will not remember you so they wont be heartbroken but you you have two days to decide
From, unknown
All you can say is "wait what!"

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