Chapter: 3 (MeetingThe Crystal Gems)

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You Wake up on the warp pad but its in a house it looks like a beach house you turn around and see a door with five small gems on a star you put your left hand on your head noticing that you have a headache but its not the only thing you realized you had when you put your hand to your head you felt  something hard and cold you looked at your hand and saw a(n)(g/n) in your palm"*gasp* aah wait w..what"not realizing how loud you were you heard a voice"come on Steven let's get that disgusting goop off of you"then another"ahh pearl do I have to"and another voice"yes seven you have to COME ON AMETHYST"and a raspy voice replied"aggh fine hang on "you quickly run to to the star door trying to push it but it didn't budge so you ran behind the counter.

Amethyst's POV
After I picked up the the rest of what use to be a corrupted gem I had goop all over me but I didn't mind but when I reached the steps someone bumped into me making both fall"aaahhh" we both yelled "*gowls*hey watch it bu-" I open my eyes and saw a girl on top of my with both of her hands next to my head I looked up at her she had a shocked look on her face"um h..hey"I said interrupting the the moment of silence, I can see her blush slightly making me blush like  mad "ahh hi sorr-"she was interrupted by pearl" Amethyst what happened I heard screaming WHAT WHO IS THAT?"pearl ran down the steps staring at us then the girl sat up then got off of me ,I sat up"umm who are you"pearl said shooting daggers at the her "Agh pearl we're fine we just fell"I said trying to make pearl stop looking at her"umm I..I'm (y..y/n)"she replied she sounded so adorable
WAIT WHAT?do I have feelings for her I don't her apart from her name
"Um a..amethyst are you ok?"(y/n) said"yea are you ok why are you staring at her like that"pearl added on"hm what oh ahhh sorry"I replied then garnet and Steven came down ,Steven looked at (y/n) with starie eyes"hi I'm Steven this is garnet "he pointed to garnet"hello" said garnet "hey do you want to met all my friends"said steven"ah no not really its not your fault its just I'm not a people person maybe later steven"(y/n) said smiling at him"come on let's watch a movie" garnet said "yea a scary movie"I added then (y/n) had a terrified look on her face she put her hands out in front of her "ah umm I..I..I'm g..good" she said before she ran in the house we ran after her"good job amethyst you scared off another human"pearl said sarcastically rolling her eyes"she's not a human she's a gem like us"garnet said before pearl could say anything"what how"pearl said "she has a (g/n) on her left hand like me but she only has one"garnet said"yes even better" I whisper to myself then we hear sobbing then a fist hitting a wall "DAMNIT"we heard (y/n) yell pearl quickly covered Steven's ears and took him outside then Garnet put a hand on my shoulder "you have to talk to her"she smiled then left with pearl and Steven.

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