Chapter: 11 (Corrupted?)

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You wake up and rolled over to hug amethyst but when you did you didn't see her,you got up and ran out the bedroom to waterfall to see if she is there
Damnit where is She?
I hope she is ok
You walk out of the room to see garnet sitting at the counter and pearl pacing in front of her
Oh on this can't be good
As pearl meet eyes with you she ran up and grabbed your shoulders shaking you"do you know where Steven is!?" She looked at hoping you had an answer"umm no but he is not the only missing I haven't seen amethyst al-"pearl cut you off with "I bet she had something to do this"making you start to get angry "if amethyst had something to do with Steven missing SHE WOULD BE HERE ACKING SUSPICIOUS BUT SHE NOT! " you yell surprising garnet but making pearl mad ,this was the first time you stood up to anybody, "YEAH,HOW WOULD YOU KNOW YOUR JUST A HOME WRECKER WHO SHOWED UP OUT OF NOWHERE! " that took you over the edge "YOUR THE ONE TO TALK , ALL YOU DO IS MAKE AMETHYST FEEL LIKE SHIT AND COMPLAIN, LIKE DOING THAT IS GOING TO MAKE YOU BE A BETTER GEM"you yell as your gem glows and creates a katana but you didn't care at this point anger has tooken over your body

Something is wrong with (y/n), her eyes are blood red instead of (e/c) ,the last time I saw this happen was when a crystal gem became corrupted because his loved one's gem was crushed by jasper,oh no Pearl's in trouble, so I run and tackle (y/n) pinning her down "LET ME GO"her voice is starting to sound corrupt and her fangs are growing
"Pearl we need amethyst now!"
"Because soon (y/n) will become a corrupted gem and we need amethyst to change her before its to late"
"Agh w-"
"*growls*pearl NOW go find her"

then amethyst and Steven walked in with groceries "thank god you two are ok" pearl said as she grabbed amethyst's arm and brought her to you well.. The soon to be corrupted you "what's going on"amethyst said panicking"she's becoming corrupted she needs you to stop that from happening"garnet said as you growled scaring amethyst then pearl grabbed Steven and brought him outside ,garnet tied you down on the coffee table ,then amethyst walked up to you

as I saw (y/n)'s eyes it was like she wasn't there anymore then I lean down"please (y/n) come back, back to us ,back to me, I know your in there (y/n), i can't lose from this, because this isn't you "tears were running down my face then I held her gem to my to my face "I love you (y/n)"then I kissed her and it when quite I open my eyes to see her looking at me it was kinda creepy with her blood red eyes but then I noticed her eyes were slowly turning back to her original eye color "agh my head"(y/n) said making me tear up then hugging her"I'm so happy your back"I said releasing my grip "what happened ahh and why I'm I tied up to the coffee table" then garnet said "you almost became corrupted and was going to attack pearl" then I untied her but she fell asleep before I was finished so when I was done garnet carried her into my bed ,I played next to her falling asleep a little bit after

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