Prologue (Valentina Reed)

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I closed my book and looked at the clock.

Still early.


I groaned.



I got dressed and trudged downstairs. Next to Miss Wing stood a man with a long, white beard and twinkling blue eyes.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Valentina Reed."

The man smiled.

"I'm Albus Dumbledore."


I looked meekly at the letter in my hand.

"So.. You're saying I'm a witch?"

He nodded.

"Miss Wing, I'll take her now,"

Miss Wing gave a short, curt nod before everything black. I couldn't breath, and I felt like I was being pushed from all directions. When it was over, I fell to the ground, taking deep breaths. We were now in front of a castle.

"That hurt.."

"We're at your new school, Miss M-Reed,"

"Oh. My new school is a castle,"

I didn't miss the slip up.

"You'll be meeting your new roommate when we get to my office, where you will be staying until the start of Term,"

"Yes, Mr. Dumbledore."

"It's just Dumbledore," He smiled.

I followed Dumbledore to his office.

"Chocolate Frogs," He muttered.

We walked in and I sat down.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, Miss Reed."

I nodded and, as he disappeared, I looked around. He was right on time, and came back a few minutes later. He now had a girl my age. She had medium length shoulder hair, and grey-blue eyes. I felt a little shy. She looked really pretty..

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Valentina Reed," I said.

She beamed at me.

"Estelle Knight. Feel free to hug me, or fling me across the room. I don't care." She said, grinning creepily.

I looked at her strangely.

"Is this my roommate?"

"Yes, Miss Reed."

"I'm gonna guess she doesn't necessarily care about grades or studying?"

"Not that I know,"

I sighed and turned to her.
"Hello, Estelle,"

"Hi, Valentina,"

I smiled at her.

"Let's go to our room, yeah?"



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