Episode 1 - Ruki & Reita

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Kai: Konnichiwa minna-san! Welcome to the first episode of Heresy TV! As all you may know I'm Kai, the drummer for the GazettE, and I will be your host for the entirety of the series. Now without further ado, let's get to today's guests~~~

[the camera pans showing Ruki and Reita]

Ruki: Hello, I'm Ruki~

Reita: Domo, it's me.

Ruki & Kai: [burst out laughing]

Ruki: Baka, we already know it's you!

Reita: [he pouts] Well the viewers don't!

Kai: [he laughs] That's because they're all waiting for your name.

Ruki: Go on Rei-chan~~~

Reita: Reita desu~!

[everyone laughs hysterically]

Kai: Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the show. Today we've been given a list of challenges that we must perform, so to start off the first challenge is to "carefully place as many Fruit Loops in Reita-san's hair!"

Reita: NANI????????

Ruki: [he grins] This should be fun.

Kai: I wouldn't get too cocky since you have to eat them, Ruki.

Ruki: WHAT???

Reita: HAHAHAHAHAHA this oughta be good!

Kai: Go on [he hands him a cereal box]

Ruki: Hold on. Is it only me doing this?

Kai: I'm doing the next challenge.

Reita: Come on don't keep me waiting, Ruki~~~~

Ruki: [he scoffs] Oh shut up and hold still.. [he begins placing cereal in Reita's hair]

Kai: Oh right, you also have 60 seconds.

Ruki: You're timing this too???

Reita: Hurry up!

Ruki: I can't if you're going to keep moving!

Reita: ...You're dropping some.

Ruki: I know that!

Kai: 45 seconds.

Ruki: Done!

Reita: Chow down then [he laughs]

Kai: 30 seconds!

Ruki: Ittadakimasu! [he leans in as he starts to eat]

Reita: [he giggles]

Ruki: Why are you giggling?

Reita: It tickles!

Kai: Less than 15 seconds!

Reita: How unsanitary...

Kai: Time! Stop eating!

Ruki: Never again...

Reita: As if you didn't enjoy it!

Kai: It couldn't have been that bad.

Ruki: Why don't you try it and come back to me on that!

Reita: You're on!

Kai: Alright, alright. Now that the first challenge is done let's move on. The next challenge is to see "who can imitate who better!"

Reita: This should be easy.

Kai: The way that this is going to go is Ruki is going to imitate me, Reita will imitate Ruki, and I'm going to imitate Reita.

Reita: I spoke too soon.

Ruki: [he laughs]

Kai: On three. 1...2...3 start! Ruki's first!

Ruki: Reita! Pick this mess up! Aoi no. Put Ruki down. Where the hell is Uruha? ... Uru! No. Don't touch the wine! ... Reita didn't I tell you to clean this mess up?!

Kai: Since when do I ever sound like that? [he laughs]

Ruki: That's how I always hear you~~~

Kai: Your turn Reita.

Reita: Engrish.

[Everyone bursts into laughter]

Ruki: Nande??

Reita: Well that's how I always hear you!

Kai: My turn! Eto...how should I do this? Oh I know! [he holds up two fingers horizontally across his nose] We rock~~~~

Ruki & Reita: [they laugh hysterically]

Reita: [continues laughter] Alright you win.

Ruki: That's basically Rei-chan in a nutshell.

Kai: Right? Ano, it seems like we've finally reached the final challenge for this episode. The final challenge is to answer "what's 1000 minus 7?"

Reita: What????

Ruki: It has something to do with Tokyo Ghoul, right?

Kai: I think so.

Ruki: Then it's overly used anime meme.

Reita: The hell? Isn't supposed to be 993?

Ruki: Oh it's far more complex than it really is.

Kai: [he shrugs] Works for me. It's seems like we've just about wrapped up this episode, so we're going to end it here. Thanks for watching {A/N: reading} this episode of Heresy TV! Bye bye!

Ruki: Bye bye minna-san!

Reita: We rock~~~~!


|| A/N: Hey guys! So this is my new story for Gazette that I hoped that you all enjoyed! I seriously really liked writing this story since we all could pretty much see a Gazette channel. If you have any more ideas of what the Gazeboys should next, then feel free to leave them in the comments! Again I apologize if this chapter is a bit crap, I honestly tried.. Anyways! As always thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter! -Emi ||

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