A/N: Updates and all that fun stuff :3

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First off I'd like to say to those of you who thought that this was an update, I'm sorry. Forgive me! ; A ;

Anyways, I also want to thank you guys for 600+ reads! Even though I've been slacking off with updating, I still really appreciate that you guys are still bothering with reading this story. I didn't really think that we would get this far to be honest.

Now as to why I'm writing this, I have some good news! Starting as of (possibly) Mid/Late January to early February, Heresy TV will be making a comeback! It's actually about time too because right when I was in the middle of writing Episode 6, BAM! WRITERS BLOCK! Great! (sarcasm intended) eAe.. So yeah, I should be able to get into my usual updating schedule again. Though I might have some times where I don't update since I'm school again. Just letting you all know QwQ

So yeah, be looking forward to that because I'm starting to get motivation again and am pumped! I love writing this story so much, and by writing I mean embarrassing the boys XDD

Oh yeah before I forget, for all of my Reituki shippers: I'm in the middle of trying to publish my first official Reituki story. I'll probably have it up once I get it to how I want it. So yeah, that's about it. Once again, I can't thank you all enough for the immense amount of support that you all give this story. I wouldn't have wanted to continue writing it without you guys ; w ;

Well, I'm going to shut up now before I keep rambling and as always, I'll see you all in the next episode!

- Emi

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