Episode 6 - Aoi & Reita

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Kai: Konnichiwa minna! Welcome back to another episode of Heresy TV! The only show where we have our dear gazette attempt ridiculous challenges requested by you. I'm your host, Kai, and here are today's guests!

[the camera pans to Aoi and Reita]

Aoi: Nice seeing you all again!

Reita: It's good to be back!

Aoi: So I see that you guys attempted A9's police academy challenges last episode.

Kai: Hai! What'd you two think?

Reita: I thought it was hilarious.

Aoi: Definitely! [he laughs]

Kai: Well for today's episode you're both going to attempt a few of those challenges too. [he tosses two police officer caps]

Aoi: I can already imagine what Uruha would say if he saw me wearing this hat..

Reita: And that would be..?


Kai: [he laughs] Well, I guess we should get started. For this challenge we're going to be attempting A9's challenge of trying to hit a ball off of a helmet.

Aoi: [he raises his arms victoriously] Wooooo!

Reita: Seriously?

Aoi: ...What?

Kai: Anyways, we each have three tries to knock the ball off of our opponents helmet. The first person to win each round wins. Aoi, you and Reita will go first, then I'll go against you then Reita.

Aoi: Seems fair enough.

Reita: Are we going to be timed?

Aoi: That's not even a question!

Reita: [he laughs] Well.

Kai: Alright, let's get ready and get this challenge started!

[Both Aoi and Reita are handed helmets]

Reita: Wait. What are we going to be using to hit each other with?

Kai: A plastic bat if I remember correctly?

Aoi: Itai... [he cringes a bit]

Kai: Get to your positions....when I say 'start'. 3...2...1...challenge start!

Aoi: You're going down! [he swings]

Reita: [he moves out of the way] I was going to say that! [he swings]

Aoi: Oi! Watch the face! [he swings again]

Kai: 45 seconds remaining for this round!

Reita: Hold still! [he laughs as he swings]

Aoi: [he chuckles] What are we doing with our lives?

Reita: Apparently trying to hit each other on the head with a plastic bat. [he laughs]

Kai: A little less than 30 seconds!

Aoi: I'm ending this now. [he swings one last time as the ball falls off Reita's helmet]

Kai: Time! Aoi wins!

Reita: Thank god. I thought you were gonna kill me...

Aoi: But did I? Nooooo~ [he laughs]

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