Episode 7 - Ruki & .. Kai?!

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Uruha: Hello everyone! You must all be wondering why I'm here instead of Kai? Well, that's because this is a very special episode of Heresy TV! For today, instead of Kai being the host, I'll be the one to take his place! Anyways, enough rambling, here are today's guests!

[the camera pans to Ruki and Kai]

Ruki: Yo!

Kai: Hello minna!

Uruha: So how does it feel to be a guest instead of host today, Kai?

Kai: A bit weird actually. Ruki had to remind me to go to the guest chairs instead of the host one.

Uruha: That would've be awkward even just thinking about it. [he laughs]

Kai: Hai, definitely. [he chuckles]

Uruha: Well, I guess that we should get this episode started. For our first challenge, we're going to have to draw each other or whichever band member that's not featured in this episode. All within a 60 second time span.

Ruki: Eh? Well that's new. I guess I'll draw Uruha.

Kai: I'll draw Reita-san.

Uruha: I'll draw you, Ruki.

[they all get handed a drawing pad and maker.]

Uruha: On your mark, get set, challenge start!

[they all start sketching.]

45 seconds remaining...

Kai: Nice drawing, Ruki. [he chuckles]

Ruki: Nosy. Don't look yet! [he laughs]

30 seconds remaining...

Uruha: I'm done!

Kai: Wait. Wait. Wait...I'm finished!

Uruha: You've got 20 seconds left, Ruki.

Ruki: Hold on. You can't rush creativity you know.

Uruha: I knew you would say that. [he laughs]

Ruki: Alright, now I'm done.

Uruha: Anyone want to show theirs first?

Kai: I'll go!

Uruha: Alright here's leader's drawing of Reita!

Kai: I'm warning you all now that I can't draw to save my life. [he turns his sketch pad around]

Ruki & Uruha: ... [they burst into laughter.]

Kai: [he chuckles] Is it really that bad?

Ruki: I wouldn't say that, but I'm a little confused on who you were supposed to draw here. Is that Keiji-chan?

Kai: Eto..not really. It's more like I was trying to draw Reita as Keiji.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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