Episode 2 - Aoi & Uruha

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Kai: Hello! Welcome back to the second episode of Heresy TV! I'm your host, Kai, and here are our guests for today!

[the camera pans to Aoi and Uruha]

Aoi: Konnichiwa, Aoi desu~~

Uruha: Uruha desu.

Aoi: [he grins] Uru duck desu~~~

Kai: [he snickers]

Uruha: [he playfully glares at Aoi]

Aoi: What? You know you love me!

Uruha: [he laughs] Oh shut up.

Kai: Alright, now that the introductions have been done, let's get started. Our first challenge for today's episode is to...oh~~~~ Apparently we have to make Aoi try on a few of Uruha's shorts.

Aoi: You're kidding right?

Uruha: I'm afraid not~~~

Staff: You can get changed over there, Aoi-san.

Aoi: [he sighs annoyingly as he gets up]

Uruha: I'll be waiting Aoi~

Kai: While he's getting changed, let's move on to our next challenge. For this challenge, we have to do our best impression of Aoi.

Uruha: I'll go first. Hmm... I got it. [he clears his throat] momiji mansuu~~~~!!

Kai: [he laughs] My turn! ... I am the superstar Aoi! [he gets up and hugs Uruha] Uru-chan! I love you you beautiful duck~!

Uruha: [he chuckles] What?...And what did I say about being called a duck?

Kai: [he smiles] Gomen ne~

Aoi: [from a distance] When the hell do I sound like that???

Kai & Uruha: [they laugh]

Uruha: You done yet? You know how much I hate it when you keep me waiting~!

Aoi: Pfft. Give me a minute..

Uruha: We don't have all day!

Kai: We only have an hour for this episode.

Aoi: Wait. Wait. Wait...alright I'm done!

Uruha: Bring your ass then! [he laughs]

Aoi: Of all the shorts you've worn, they just had to make me wear the purple ones didn't they?

Kai & Uruha: ...

Uruha: ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my...god! I can't breathe!

Kai: [he laughs hysterically] My stomach hurts!

Aoi: [sarcastically] Yeah yeah soooooo hilarious!

Kai: Though I must admit that you have nice thighs. Right Uruha?

Uruha: He has a nice ass too~~ [he smirks]

Aoi: [he blushes slightly as he grins] You're just lucky that--

Uruha: I know. I know. You love me~~~

Aoi: Not exactly, but let's go with that!

Kai: Alright, now that we've all had a good laugh. Let's move on to our final challenge. For our last challenge we need to...oh I see. For this challenge, you two are going to have to play the pocky game. The first one to turn away before the pocky is finished or somehow broken is the loser.

Aoi: [he smirks] This should easy.

Uruha: For you...

Kai: You both have a total of a minute and fifteen seconds. [he hands them a box of pocky]. Your time starts now. Go!

Uruha: [he takes out a stick of pocky as he places one end in his mouth] Let's get this over with.

Aoi: [he leans in, placing the other end in his mouth] {A/N: if you know what I mean~~ *wiggles eyebrows*  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)}

Kai: 60 seconds!

Aoi & Uruha: [they both begin chewing]

Kai: 50 seconds remaining!

Aoi: We're almost done!

Uruha: Please tell me that you're not going to do it..

Aoi: Do what~?

Uruha: Don't.

Aoi: Oops! [he leans in very closely as both his and Uruha's lips touch]

Uruha: [he blushes slightly] Baka..

Aoi: [he grins] I'm your baka~ [he gives a quick peck as he pulls away]

Kai: Time's up! For both the challenge and this episode. We're going to end it here, but until then thank you for watching this episode of Heresy TV! See you next episode!

Aoi: Ja ne minna!

Uruha: Bye bye!


|| A/N: Thank you so much to the people who've read, commented, and voted so far! It means so much to know that you enjoy this story and continue to support it no matter if I think that it's all not that good. Anyways, thank you all once more for reading and if you have any suggestions for what the gazeboys should do next feel free to leave them in the comments. As always see you in the next chapter! -Emi ||

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