For once, Peace.

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(Aubrey's POV)

Once I do a quick recap with the rest of PTX, I settle down on the couch with Scott on one side of me and Kevin on the other. We are all watching some random movie. I quickly pull out my phone and text Scott and Avi

(Italics = Scott. Bold = Avi. Normal = Aubrey)

Hey guys! I have the urge to tease Kevin a bit. You up for it??

When am I not up for teasing Kevin? Lol

Same, Kevin has been stressed lately so I'm up for the challenge. What do you have in mind?

I was thinking about asking Kevin to make me some tea and when he asks me what kind, I'll say "you don't remember" and give him the silent treatment. Then Scott will say "do you remember anything about your girlfriend of 6 months?" Even though it has been a year and a half. And then deny Kevin the right to know and Avi will come in with "you don't even remember it has been a year and a half, basically shunning him.

You are the worst, most vile, demon ever... I like it ;)

I am down for it too.

~~End of Convo~~

I snuggle up more to Kevin and he looks at me and I can't help but blush.

"Hey babe, could you make me some tea please?" I ask him.

"Why me? I am so comfortable." He responds.

I pout and kiss him on the cheek and slightly trail my lips down his cheek "because there are rewards for actions." I say. He immediately gets up and then turns around.

"What kind of tea?" He smirk evilly on the inside.

"My favorite if course." Scott realizes his que and waits.

"Uhh, what kind was that?" Kevin says and Scott huffs.

"You don't even remember her favorite tea? Man, you haven't been separated for that long. How can you not remember you girlfriend of 6 month's favorite tea? I mean, she drinks it like all the time." Kevin looks down.

"Well I am sorry that we have only been dating for 6 months. And like 4 of those I haven't seen her." Kevin pouts. Then Avi comes in right on cue.

"Kevin" he sighs "it has been a year and 6 months." I look at kevin and he looks sad.

"K- Kevin?" I say with fake tears brimming my eyes

"I am sor-" that's as far as he gets before I burst out laughing.

"I am sorry Avi and Scott. I couldnt hold it any longer." They both sigh. Kevi. Looks around confused.

"Kev, we are just messing with ya man." Avi says and Kevin sits back down but significantly farther away from me.

"Kevin?" I say seriously.

"Punishment is in order." That's all he says.

"What do you mean?" I don't understand what he is saying.
He puts a finger up to his lips and that indicates to me that I get the silent treatment. Oh, well two can play at this game.

"Fine," I see Avi and scott watching me since I am flustered for once. "Fine, no physical contact with me for as long as you stay silent." I get really close to his ear. "None. At. All." He shudders at my words tickling his ear.
He gets up and leaves the room since he was about to break. Geez. Is all I can think. Messing with men is so easy it is almost trivial. I laugh at my thoughts before I push them aside and focus on the TV. I zone out after a while and take a nap.

Hey my Bass Dragons!!! Wassup!!! Okay, so since I had a couple people *cough, cough* troyemitchjoecaspar potatoesarebae *cough, cough* say they wanted a double update... Here you have it!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Road to Somewhere (Kavi/Scomiche) Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ