Chapter 11

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"Georgia, do you remember anything? If you do you need to tell us so we can put whoever did this to justice" Newt says in a soft tone.

"I already told you what I remember, I only remember flashes, I saw a silhouette walk around the corner activating my brains flight or fight mode. my immediate instinct was to call out, when nobody I recognised answered I began running but tripped over and fell in the deadheads. I remember seeing a shadow of someone holding a shovel or stick and yelling at me before swinging with such traumatic force that it knocked me unconscious. That is all I remember Newt, trust me, I want to put this man to justice as much, or maybe more than you do, but that is all I know" Georgia says through clenched teeth, clearly aggravated by her situation.

Newt leaves after questioning me, Georgia and Gally to give the baggers something to work on. As soon as Newt leaves Minho jumps through the open door and disappears into the medhut without a word, the wooden door slams shut behind him.

"This is so not fair" I say to Gally and throw my hands up in the air like I just don't care because I really don't. Minho is getting on my last nerves.

"How's it not fair?" He asks softly and I turn to the wall with my arms crossed, knowing that I wouldn't be able to stay angry for long if I look at him.

"He got to be with her for all of last night but we still haven't been able to see her. We were the ones who saved her not that... thing" I exclaim with big hand gestures, unable to find a good enough insult I simply call him a thing. I know that it isn't that big of a deal but it is to me, "shouldn't we at least be able to know if she's okay?"

"You know that she wants to see him as much as he wants to see her. Just give them some time and we'll check up on them in five or ten minutes, to you know, make sure they aren't doing, (cough) sinful, things in there or anything" I giggle at his akwardness of the topic and agree to wait with Gally. I sit with him on an uncomfortable log until something in my peripheral vision catches my eye.

"Is she okay?" Anne says, catching her breath from running across the whole glade, here eyes worried and vulnerable.

"Why do you care?" I ask harshly, remembering back to them bickering in the kitchen, they didn't sound like friends to me, in fact, more the opposite. A look of hurt flashes in her eyes but she quickly recovers, her eyes going back to the dazed and repelling look I saw in the kitchen, her back straightening and shoulders broadening.

"I don't" she answers bluntly with a shrug, slightly shocking me.

"I somehow doubt you came to see me" I answer jokingly, she doesn't laugh or cringe or change her face at all. All I want is just the tiniest flicker of emotion, it's like talking to a robot or a rock that learned to speak.

She looks over me neutrally and lands her gaze on Gally, a small gasp sounds from her mouth and she tenses all over, breathing fast and eyes wide, I can't tell if she's extremely excited or extremely scared.

She turns and makes quick and shaky movements away from us, "tell me when I can see her" she yells over her shoulder, not slowing down but instead running off, tripping over but then scrambling back up and running as fast as possible to only God knows where.

"She's an odd one isn't she?" I ask after some silence, still staring at where she was previously.

"Yeah" I look over and am surprised to see a smug looking smirk on his face, I frown at him but he just stared ahead as if I wasn't there.

After awhile of waiting I decide that I don't like waiting, and leave for the toilet, which is really just a hole in the ground in a claustrophobic wooden stall near the wall not too far from the uncomfortable and splintery log we sit on.

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