Chapter 54

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(Chapter Song Above)

Georgia's P.O.V

I lean against the cool brick wall as scalding water rushes over my body in an attempt to cleanse the lack of sleep from my skin. Last night was restless; I had barely any sleep as I was alive with the memories of my flash back, Minho spent the whole time holding me to his chest and trying to soothe my worries and I awoke screaming five minutes after my mind finally allowed me to drift off. The sun wasn't even awake enough to peak above the horizon when I woke, so I left Minho to catch up on some much needed rest and headed to the showers, hoping that enough hot water and shampoo would scrub away my distractions.

I lean my head back and heave out a loud sigh, my mind is so baffled and confused. Why can't things just make sense anymore? I'm sick of some foreign dictator trying to play God, and then damning whomever they like to hell just because they can. And now Claus Fusch sends me an overly cryptic message about my past in the midst of our almost death. It seems that they're relying on the femininity of the Glade to rescue it.

I don't even notice the trickle of tears staining my cheeks as they blend in with the water until a voice behind the door startles me from my daze. "Georgia, Is that you in there?" Minho questions quietly, I can hear his heaving breaths and the bolts in the wood straining against his weight.

"Yes, sorry, I'm just washing out my shampoo" I quickly scrape the back of my hand across my cheeks and begin scrubbing the large white bubbles from hair. "Let yourself in, but be careful not to get wet."

The door squeaks when Minho enters, closing it behind him to prevent the cold air from wafting in. "I know you're not alright, darling. We didn't really have time to discuss what happened last night, and I know you need to get it off your chest, so I'm always here when you need me" his smile is small and tired, I can tell he didn't get much sleep once I left.

I shiver and reach for my towel after turning the water off, Minho passes it across the stall with my glasses. "It's okay, I'm just malfunctioning from lack of sleep. I just need a good day of rest and some tea, then I'll be good as new and running the medhut again" my smile is brighter this time and the desire to cry fades away softly into the white noise. I'm completely fine, I just need to rest and give myself some time to figure out Claus' message.

Minho wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest, burying his face in the crook of my neck as I cling to him. The damp towel is transferring moisture to his shirt but he doesn't seem to care. "I love you, please remember that" Minho's breath is warm and familiar. Droplets of water drip from my hair onto his neck and arms, like holy water connecting the two of us.

I chuckle and place my palms on his cheeks gently, allowing the droplets to trail rivers down his skin. "I love you too" is the last thing I say before he kisses me with a dreary pleasantness that makes me grin into his lips. We stand in each other's arms for a moment longer before the cold begins to bite and I can't stop shivering, which is when Minho hands me my grubby jeans and navy shirt (Anne has had to re-sow more holes in it than I bother to count). I scrape my damp hair into a ponytail and slip on my worn sneakers hurriedly, a yearning for his lips, or possibly a piece of toast, grips my stomach and twists around like knives.

"Alright, I'm shucking starving, so how about we head for breakfast and I'll pressure Fry into boiling enough water for your tea?" A domestic warmth settles in my stomach at his comment and I smile as I weave my fingers through his. The glade is a golden blanket of silk, cloaked by the rare morning warmth that peaks over the wall, the grass is still wet with dew and I slide my toes across it happily. The smell of mornings is one of my favourites; fresh dew, the soft breeze from the deadbeds and a wafting joy from the kitchens.

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