Chapter 1 ~ Anne

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Anne's POV
I wake up with a jolt.
Where am I? I can't see anything. I start hyperventilating. For some reason I know to calm down. Come on you can do it Anne..... Anne?..... Anne. Anyway. Come on you know where you are you just have to. I squeeze my eyes shut, I actually feel nauseous like I'm on a roller coaster. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster... What's a roller coaster? My hands just start feeling around for something to hold onto, I have to stop thinking. For some reason I feel like I'm not a particularly smart person and have had to tell myself to use muscle before brain. Or maybe someone else had to tell me that. Who? I don't remember anyone! Alright Anne just... Just think about right now. Ok I feel something like a wall behind me. I turn and knock on it. It's metal. Am I in a box? I feel along the wall until I hits a corner, I knock on it.... Also metal. I start feeling my way along that wall to see if there is another corner but something above me catches my eye. Light. Blinding light right above my head. I'm going to have to prepare myself. If there are man eating dogs up there I will have to fight my way out. I feel my muscle tense and realize that I feel strong. I note my firm biceps and a hard belly, probably a six pack. That's interesting to know how strong i am for a girl, wait never-mind, im getting sidetracked. How old am I? I wonder. I am forced to close my eyes as the light becomes to much to bare. The thing I'm trapped in stops with a jolt.
I shield my face with my arm.
I hear a loud thump and feel, what I see now as a box, rattle crazily. "Welcome to the glade greenie" is he talking to me? I don't know. I'm frozen. It sounds like a boy. I wonder how many there are. Should I fight or run?
"What's your name shank?" I have my name on the tip of my tung but why should I say it? Why would this boy need to know? I know what I have to do, get up, kick him right in the groin and climb out of this box while he is down, then I need to make a run for it, find shelter. Figure out my plan for survival. But what if there are more? I don't hear anything but there is still the danger of being outnumbered. "everything ok in there?" I hear someone yell from above. Another boy. Great, I need a new plan. "Come on shank, get up I can't see you." That's the boy standing in front of me. I have a minnie panic attack and pause for one second but in that second he grabs my elbow and yanks me up. "Come on shank what's your....." He abruptly stops. What's wrong with him? I need to do something to make him let go of me. I try to speak but nothing comes out, my throat feels too dry. I don't even think, I just spit right in his face. That was gutsy. What now? I have to get out of this box. He let go of my arm when I spat in his face so I jump up and grab the edge of the box, I haul myself up like I'm doing a chin up and land with my stomach in the dirt out in the open. I look up to see a crowd of boys staring at me. "It's a girl!" the one with the weird eyebrows yells back to the crowd of boys "well what did you think I was, an animal?" I smirk sharply making him growl in frustration. I jump to my feet. I have to act now. I don't know if I am safe with these people, this is a strange situation. I put my hands up and spread my legs apart like I'm about to have a boxing match, how do I know how to fight so well? I can already feel the motions going through my head. Jab, cross, uppercut, knee, switch knee, swing, spinning elbow. They all start yelling at me, things like "what are you doing?", "hey hey hey settle down!", "we won't hurt ya" or "what the klunk?!"
A few of then step forward and surround me. "Come on we'll tell you where you are it's alright" says the big dark skinned one. Someone grabs me from behind, now someone goes it my legs. I drop to a squat and sweep the guy behind me, he falls over. I look to the guy in front who went for my legs and double leg take down him to the ground, I scramble to sit on top of him and start laying into him. Someone grabs me from behind again, I let them make me stand up but then elbow them in the ribs and head butt them. Another guy comes at me from the side and I punch him square in the jaw, then another to my right and I hook them right in the temple. One more comes at me from the left again and I go to punch him in the jaw but he catches my fist in his hands. I gasp and look up.
It's that big dark skinned boy again. He could do some damage, best to stop. I gulp. What now? I can't run for it anymore and I can't apologize and play it sweet. Best to let them take me as prisoner or something. I take my fist back and relax my tense muscle. I give in, I lost.

(By alby_is_bae )

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