Chapter 29 ~ Georgia

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(Chapter Song Above)

Georgia's P.O.V

Pain, unimaginable pain soars through my veins like fire and makes me want to scream. But I can't, nothing happens even when I try and call for help or open my eyes. Panic riddles my mind before I suddenly remember what happened, the knife and blood, Minho begging me to stay awake and Marie's screams. All of it washes fiercely over me in a tidal wave as I struggle to move. Although all I still see is darkness, cold and menacing with its vice grip over me.

I remember voices constantly fading in and out, some pleading for me to awaken and others simply making gloomy conversation. I remember Marie crying as she read 'Alice In Wonderland' to my limp form and Minho sobbing into my shirt or clutching at my hand gently. I remember Newt updating me on how everybody was going, although he begged me to come back, and Alby speaking to me softly of the R.U.N.N meeting, of our success. I doubt she would ever tell, but I remember Anne sitting by my bedside and weeping softly into the palm of my hand, she told me she was so sorry for everything. All of those memories seem an age ago, although they must only have been a few days back.

Suddenly, a light tingle brushes against my right arm, as if somebody gently stroked it. It sends my body into a struggling frenzy on the inside and I feel my self stir slightly. The offender gasps and I hear them shift in some way.

The prodding now moves to my cold hand, despite my attempts nothing happens. Then, a gentle pressure indents my cheek before darting off again, with all the strength I can muster, I force my eyes to flutter. It's exhausting.

More loud gasping and stumbling. Again, they probe my cheek and leave it there for a moment, so much pain rushes through me as I peal my eyes open slowly. A slight warm light peers down at me, it's not all that bright but I quickly slam my eyes shut. It was like staring into fire.

"G-Georg-" a voice shatters in harsh breaths, they seem to jump down at my side and grip my slightly twitching hand.

"Georgia?" They try again and I try to regain control over myself. I'm almost there, I can feel the adrenaline pumping through me and a burning desire to wake up.

They sit by my side as I push and tug at myself, pleading to wake up, but soon I hear them shuffle back to what must be a bed and pull their covers up. I feel slightly cold and hopeless for a short moment until warmth grips my fingers, whoever was near me was clutching at them tightly. They still believed in me.

The pain, so much horrible pain! I can feel it seizing me up, trying to pull me back into the abyss, but I fight and push. I can't let go, they need me, this isn't the end for me!

Although agony burns and clutches at me fiercely, I let the words tumble from my lips in a low whisper. "Minho."

I know they were there, I know I said something! With every fibre of my being, I open my eyes into the searing light and breath, preparing to say it again. "Minho" his name is sweet and soft against my tongue.

Somebody beside me tumbles from their bed "Georgia? Georgia can you hear me?" Anne charges, her voice shifting and changing like a willow in the breeze. "Oh my God" she gasps, squeezing my hand.

I turn my head slightly to face her with a wince "it seems I've stirred you from your reverie" I croak, my voice sounds brittle and cracked. "I know what you're thinking, but they are quite common" she grins down at me and strokes the back of my hand.

"Georgia, is it really you? Is this real?" She whispers, clutching at me and running her eyes up and down my body.

Although it stings like a devil, I smile weakly and shift my torso slightly. "In the flesh."

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