Chapter 18

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(Chapter Song Above)

Georgia's P.O.V

I storm across the glade, my hair blowing behind me in the slight breeze as I fixate a glare towards my victim. The blood across my limbs and face have begun to dry and my clothing is soaked through.

He looks up at my deranged form, something flashes across his face for a passing moment. Fear. I soak it up as if fuelling a desperate fire.

"Winston!"  I roar, edging closer and closer to where he stands, hammering a large paddle of wood into what appears to be a door frame.

Winston stands, realising that he's the one I have aimed my rage towards, he backs away slightly but attempts to stand taller all the same. His feeble acts of manly bravery humour me greatly.

Now i'm about three feet away from him, a small chunk of wood lays near my foot and I grasp it quickly, swinging the rubble towards his head.

"How dare you! How dare you be so horrible!" I scream, although it is hardly a feminine noise, more that of a wild beast growling with anger.

Winston dodges the wood with a gasp of horror, then looks up at me with a glance of confusion before jumping from the way of my next hurling object.

"What's wrong with you? Stop dodging my wood! You deserve it!" I continue, attracting some much needed attention. Winston still seems overly confused, causing my words to falter. Is this right?

Without thinking, I throw my fist out and hit him square in the jaw, with the other I snap him right in the nose before kicking him in the gut twice. Winston falls to the ground on his knees gasping for breath. Blood trickles from his nose and his jaw has already begun to swell.

"You're a sad excuse for a man and you disgust me Winston! Haven't you learnt your lesson? Or is this just a game to you, pick on the weak and defenceless until they crack? Is that it? Well, I'm not weak and I'm certainly not defenceless, you will pay for everything you have done. Don't you dare come near her again! You hear me!" I scream down at him fiercely. "You do this to her and then just leave her to fend for herself? How pathetic!"

For the first time since I arrived, he attempts to speak through his injuries. "What are you talking about you crazy shank? Who did what? I didn't do anything?"

Suddenly, two arms clamp around my waist and pull me back. "What's going on here? What is this?" Alby roars from behind me, holding my arms in a vice like grip. Alby would never hurt me, so I cease my struggling and fall lump in his arms. Although my eyes still blaze with fire.

"It was him! He did this! It was him!" In cry out, tears of anger and frustration welling under my glasses.

Winston throws his head back with a groan. "What the clunk are you talking about, Georgia? I haven't done anything and you're making no sense!" Newt reaches out to help him up, although he hesitates. He knows what Winston did to me and I don't think he ever really got past it.

Oh shuck, what if I was wrong, what if Winston never did it. Judging by his obvious and believable confusion, I'd say he has literally no idea what is going on.

Oh no, what have I done. "She just started throwing things and hitting me" Winston explains, holding at his jaw as he stands beside a wary Newt. If it wasn't Winston, then who was it?

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry guys. Winston, that was my fault. I shouldn't of done that and I apologise for my mistake. That was bad" I wince, explaining that it was indeed my fault and not Winston's. He rolls his eyes before trudging off to the medjacks hut, probably with the note on mind that if he attacked back, Minho would skin him alive.

"Newt, Alby? Can I please speak with you privately?" They nod in agreement before leading me to the meeting building. Both of them sharing odd glances every now and again as we walk.

Alby sits in one of the chairs, leaning back with his arms folded against his chest and legs up on the table, while Newt paces the circle, looking anxious. "So, I think it's your turn to explain what the hell that was?" Alby raises an eyebrow and cocks his head.

I sigh in defeat, I can't tell them. Well, I have to tell them but I need to twist the truth, thank Anne, I really shucking hate her.

"It started this morning, Marie and I woke Anne up at 5:30 for work, but when she tried to move her face contorted in pain. Both of us attempted to help but she brushed us off, as usual. After breakfast, when Marie and Frypan were at the farm getting supplies, Anne had a miscarriage while we were cleaning the dishes -" Alby suddenly sits bolt upright, his skin had paled considerably and his eyes peering intently into mine -"It was horrible. There was so much blood, this is only the half of it. She refused to tell me what happened so I took her to the med hut through the back door, the boys fixed her up and she's resting now. I knew - I though it was Winston. It didn't make sense, why would Anne become romantically involved with someone, and then separate in her condition? Despite my mistake, I know i'm right about this, something's wrong in this situation and I need to get to the bottom of it. She told me to lie to the medjacks, but I can't lie here, you two will try and help her, I know it" I finished, breathing heavily with my face in my hands.

Silence lingers among us for a few moments, both Newt and Alby observing each other curiously. They look up simultaneously and stand. "We believe you, but we need to see Anne" Newt confirms.

"She won't tell you, she won't tell anyone!" I fluster frustratedly.

"We know, but I need to speak with her, make sure she's alright" Alby declares as he storms from the room, leaving Newt and I to follow in suit.

The leader of the glade runs ahead toward the medjacks hut, while Newt and I wander lazily behind him. Alby stops suddenly and turns around, his chest heaves and he looks worried. "Don't be so quick to judge, it might not be what you-"

"Quick to judge! Me?" I interrupt.

He pauses, "Just don't jump to conclusions" He says hesitantly before whirling around and running off again.

I sigh in exhaustion and share a weak smile with Newt who looks pensive.

"It must be horrible for you girls, constant fear of what the others are going to do to you. Even when you have Minho, he can only be there half the time" Newt mumbles, changing subject and gazing over at me.

I sigh heavily "yeah, it is pretty wretched here at times, but we make the most of it. Kitchen duty isn't that bad and we do have some friends outside our gender. After a while you just become numb to it all, there's no point in dwelling on it because we just have to live as best as we can. At the end of the day, we're still kickin' on and things are getting better. We work, sleep and sometimes eat,  but we've always had a good time. Take Marie for example, she's a ball to be around and brightens my mood everyday."

Newt smiles slightly with a blush. "The little mouse, I don't see her often anymore. I like her, she's nice and seems funny."

I grin, she told me about Newt and how she thought he was quiet charming, maybe he could be a good distraction from Gally. "I don't know, maybe you should check in with her every once in a while. You should go see how she's doing. Make sure you keep an eye on Gally though" I finish just as we arrive at the medjacks hut.

"Whats wrong with Gally?" Newt asks.

I grimace and ball my hands into a fist. "He's bad news, I can see it."

(By Minhoisbae)

Hey Glader Babies ! So , are you having fun ? What do you think will happen next ? Who do you think actually did the deed ? Please comment what you think and remember to vote !

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