Episode two: A Shaky Start, Chapter 9

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In the end Nara choose to have Shayly simply buzz her hair instead of re-weaving it. She clipped the Kurgara braid close to the scalp, leaving it woven. Nara put it, with a sad sigh, into one of her pockets. "It will grow back, better than before," Shayly told her. "Just as Kurgara always come back, stronger for any adversity."

"This is what I like about this girl," Nara told Fox. "She understands the Kurgara way as though she were one."

"It is true," Shayly said. "And if the rumors are true, if Sarasvat has used her connections to bring the Kurgara here? I will go, find a place nearby. Love me some big strong Kurgara." She flashed that sly seductive smile again.

When Shayly was done with Nara, Fox slid over to her seat and let her shave his head as well. His hair was already patchy and their was no point in keeping it. It wasn't like he had much to lose, having only a military butch.

They were walking back towards the crew quarters when there was a binging noise and a holographic head appeared in front of them. "Nara? We've got a security alert. Healer bay 12. Healer called it. One of the Earthsiders. Don't know much else."

Nara and Fox exchanged a look. "I have to go," Nara said.

"So do I," he replied. She gave him an even look and then nodded. They turned and pelted down the hall.


Runningbear was still glaring at the two healers, who were doing their best not to show how afraid they were. Their fear was a rush, adrenaline temporarily dampening the headache.

The door slid opened and a man came in. He was thick set, middle aged and dressed in the red and gold trim of their military. "What is going on?" he demanded.

"Bankim, sir," the woman said. "He says we need to help him but..."

"They won't," Runningbear shouted. "I am in pain. Can't you fucking see that?"

"Now, friend," the man called Bankim began.

"I'm not your damn friend," James spat.

"No need to take that tone," Bankim snapped.

"I'm just sick of you all acting like we're such buddies now," Runningbear growled. "You come here, tell us what we can and can't do and act like you are so superior." He raised his fist, months of anger welling up inside him. "Come on, let's see what you're really made of." He glanced at the stun baton in Bankim's hand. "You gonna just stun me. See bout that." He leaped forward.

Bankim sidestepped. He spun the baton but did not stun Runningbear. Instead he trapped his arm in a painful armlock and threw him against the wall, hard. "Is that what you think?" Bankim growled. "That the only way I can beat you is through tech? I've news for you. I can take a barbarian at need. Don't forget." He pushed Runningbear away. "Now, listen. No more threats. The only place it'll get you is in my brig for the rest of your stay."

Runningbear backed away, fearful of another encounter. He gestured at the healers. "Then tell them to help me. I'm hurting."

A dark skinned woman pulled Bankim's shoulder and whispered in his ear. He didn't look happy but he nodded and stepped aside, but it wasn't the woman that came forward. It was Fox.

Runningbear stared at him a long time, trying to gauge whose side Fox was on. Fox returned the gaze evenly, not betraying anything.

"You gotta help me, Fox," Runningbear whined. He hated that his voice betrayed him, but he was getting scared. Not only would they not help him, he'd end up in their brig as well. "Come'on we're brothers, man. Navaho."

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