Episode Seven: The End of Quarantine ch.7

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"So what is the first order of business?" Dan asked as he came up to Cheyenne's side. Kleppie, Madsen and Jensen were there with him. "Check into the hotel? Check out the market?"

Cheyenne gave him a sly look. "I would think your first order of business..."

"Had to go back on the ship, to finish a few things," Dan finished. "He'll contact me when he's done. In the meantime..."

"Lunch," Kavi said as she appeared. She put her arm around Kleppie's shoulder.

"Lunch, that sounds perfect," Lana said. "But where?"

"I think we should let Janda decide," Cheyenne joked. "This mission has been so hard on his belly after all." They all laughed.

"Weeks of processed foods," Janda groused. "All I want is a salad. A nice fresh salad."

"Hungry Javvies!" Kavi squealed. "There's one just a few doors down, there." She pointed across the market.

"Yes, yes, yes," Janda said, spinning around. "That's it. Hungry Javvie's salad bowl."

The diplomat had a small crew of locals to assist the sailors to get settled in their hotels and find their way around. Cheyenne figured they had guides enough and their group bypassed them and headed into the market, following Janda and Javi.

Hungry Javvie's Salad Bowl turned out to be a chain within the consortium. Kavi insisted on paying until the manager came over and declared that he "knew who those people were" and insisted just as loudly that it would be free. They were each given a large bowl and sent down the line.

The restaurant was bright, the entire ceiling covered in grow lights. One wall was a mass of leaves, lettuces and edible greens of all kinds. There was a shelf and Kavi and Janda helped them sort through the variety and pick their leaves. A worker nearby pulled out the stems of over harvested greens and replaced them with fresh plants.

The second wall had fruit and vegetable plants growing on it. Janda yanked a small tomato off and popped in his mouth. While he chewed he picked a couple of small cucumbers, pulled a knife from the shelf and started dicing, making short work of the veggies that Kavi was now picking and handing him, and filling their bowls.

The third and final wall contained plenty of toppings, crouton like crackers, vinaigrettes, nuts and olives. Again Kavi and Janda talked them through the options and before long they were all finding seats, bowls brimming with food.

"Oh, oh, oh, this is so good," Janda cried as he ate. "So good."

Everyone around the table laughed.

"By the mother, it's like he's having an orgasm in his mouth," Kavi joked.

A young woman, one of the servers, laughed. "I agree," she said.

Janda covered his mouth and swallowed. He leaned over and whispered something in the woman's ear. She blushed bright red and giggled. He sat back with a smug smile and said. "I'm Janda by the way, Janda Markus."

"Kali-enda," the woman said, taking his proffered hand. "Kali-enda Juliash."

"We will be here for several days," Janda said.

"Perhaps I will message you then," she said, "when I am off some day." With that she was gone.

"What just happened?" Dan asked. "What did you say to her?"

Janda shrugged. "I merely said that I am not only person to have orgasmed in my mouth." He smiled.

Tea sprayed everywhere as Madsen laughed. "Holy shit, and that worked!"

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