The Real World

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Waking up to the feeling of something licking my face was a bit odd, but when I noticed that it was Coda, I didn't mind at all. I thought he was just trying to be cute to Papa Bear, but when I yawned and took in a deep breath, my nose scrunched up and my bear snorted out a disgruntled breath.

Oh dear god, that's rank!

Grumbling to myself, I shifted, letting my bear run from the stench, leaving me to deal with it. Unfortunately, my nose was pretty sensitive still, even when I wasn't in my bear form.

At least I can move better now.

Sitting up, I gently grabbed Coda and slid from the doghouse, careful not to wake his sleeping mother. To my relief, when I looked outside of the doghouse and put my feet in the snow, I noticed a large duffel bag sitting in a cleared spot. After setting Coda aside on the small ledge, I unzipped the bag and sighed with relief.

"Thank you, Jordan."

Pulling out a diaper, wipes, powder, and a plastic bag I figured he gave me to use for trash, I got busy cleaning up Coda's yucky fuzzy backside. "You owe me for this, squirt." I told him, getting a tail wag as I tried to scrub away a specifically-tough piece of poo.

"Right. Pay me back for it now by stopping that tail wagging."

It sped up, making me huff and roll my eyes... then grin. "You are such a butt. Five percent fluff, ten percent puppy, one-hundred and five percent butt. Those are your proportions."

"Mm, you forgot about the extra twenty percent of adorableness." Sam said as he scooted onto the wooden ledge next to me and yawned. With one simple look down at his naked chest my bear was raging to get out again.

Too bad. You ran away from the diaper so I get the naked Sam. I told it, getting a frustrated roar in response, likely because my bear had no thumbs to even change a diaper with. Oh well.

"Here, Jordan left a bag with clothing. Best to get changed so that you don't catch a cold." I said as I handed him a pair of black sweatpants and a grey sweater. While he tugged those on I got myself back into my own clothing, then began following Coda as he romped through the deep snow.

"Hey, Richard."

Hearing Jordan's voice, I looked up to see him standing on the back deck wearing a suit and tie, obviously getting ready to go somewhere. Probably to work.

"Hey Jordan," I replied as I walked over to him.

"Hello, I need to head to work soon but my wife will be staying home today because of Sam and his son being here. I'll be dropping the boys off at school on my way to work, but I'd like for them to meet Coda again since they've calmed down... and are still half asleep right now." he said, ending in a gruff laugh.

"Sounds good," I replied as I looked back to see Sam walking toward us. He had found a pair of old tennis shoes in the bag as well, which I was grateful to see. He struggled a little in the snow with his balance, but I knew he wouldn't get hurt so I returned my attention to Jordan. The man had gone back inside, and now I could see him through the glass with his two sons, in their humans forms, following on his heels.

My bear was instantly on guard, making me look over my shoulder at Coda. Sam now held him in his arms about eight feet away, his eyes locked onto the sliding glass door as Jordan slid it open. To everyone's relief, the two boys seemed much more manageable this time as they stepped out with their dad. They immediately locked onto Sam and his puppy, but while we could see their lions behind their eyes, they both remained standing beside their father.

"This is going much better than yesterday. Sam, can you come here please?" Jordan asked, getting a hesitant nod from Sam after he looked over at me.

"Boys, this young man and his son are going to be staying with us for awhile. You are to behave and treat them with respect, alright?"

The boys shrugged but walked over anyways, offering Sam two hands to shake. He did so, but it was obvious he wasn't happy being so close to two lions.

"Sorry about last night. We were already playing inside and then we smelled you guys outside. Our lions couldn't help themselves."

"And?" Jordan added, verbally nudging the other boy to finish his brother's sentence.

"It won't happen again."

Their father nodded, then had them go back inside to the front door so that they could leave soon. "I'm going to go take them to school, then head to work. My wife has been eager to meet your little boy, so please don't hesitate to chat with her. I'm sure she made extra breakfast for you as well."

When Jordan mentioned the food Sam licked his lips, making me grin. I wished I could stay with him, but the longer I was near him, the easier it was going to be for the police to find him.

It's not worth it. As much as you want to be there for him, your job as caregiver is over.

It hurt to think about, but my daughter came first, and I couldn't take care of her from jail.

Time for Papa Bear to go home to his own cub. I told myself.

"Hey Richard?"

Raising my head, I looked up at Sam and forced a smile. "Yeah?"

Before I could react his arm was around my chest, his face nuzzling against my shirt. I returned the hug greedily but carefully, not wanting to hurt Coda.

"You'll come back sometime, right?"


"Of course. I'll come visit as soon as this all dies down."

It hurt to lie, terribly, but my responsibility was to my daughter. Sam was okay and he had Jordan to help him now.

"Jordan is a very nice man, so please listen to him, okay Sam?"

When he nodded and released me I took a step back.

He'll be okay. This is the best place for him now.

"I've got to head home, then to work, Jordan has my number if you need me, okay?"

Sam pursed his lips and looked away, nodding at the floor.

I'm sorry, baby.

"See you, Sam," I forced out before turning and walking away.

It tore me apart to leave, because I knew somehow that he'd stolen more than my sympathy. He had my heart, but not as a child I adopted, but as a young man who could have possibly completed my broken family.

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