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I sat in the Hermes cabin feeling miserable and depressed.

I had been in the camp for two days and I still hadn't been determind yet.

I'd failed miserable at training, it didn't help that I'd been agaist Percy and got my sorry arse kicked again.

I was 15 for gods sake, I was meant to be claimed by 13, well at least that's what everyone told me. Did my father hate me or something?

I went to sleep feeling regected and I had the strangest dream..


I was dreaming I was in Olympus wow...

It was amazing but somthing seemed of with this dream so I decided to pay special attention then I saw Zeus and Ares walk in.

"Why haven't you claimed him Zeus?"Ares hissed.

"I didn't know about him, I'm just a bit shocked that's all" Zeus said.

Who were they talking about? I wonderd.

"Shouldnt I felt somthing? But with him nothing, I didn't know he existed in till he came to camp if I didn't know any better I would of said someone was trying to hide him from me"

Ares nodded "It is strange but you're breaking you're Oath, you need to-"

Zeus snapped "Alright alright, I'm doing it already"

Then he clicked his fingers.

I woke up suddenly, a blinding light was in my eyes, I looked up then to the source of the light, and what it was took my breath away, a symbol of the master bolt was above my head, hanging in the air.

I had been claimed by Zeus. I was Zeus's son.

My dreams were real! I had been the kid they had been talking about!

I was in pure shock

A thought went through my head, how was I going to explain to Chiron and everybody that me, The boy who couldn't even hold a sword straight was a son of the big three?

Then after I woke up in the morning, some more interestin things happened.

A boy had came in here, his name was Liam, he hadn't been claimed yet and I made freinds with him quickly.

We were talking so much that we both realised we were late for our sword fighting session.

We hurried over there, I showed Liam where to go.

My eyes widened at who was teaching us...Thaila, my half sister and of course she hated my guts.

I had bumped into her once on accident and she'd been the most degrading girl I'd ever met, giving me countless insults about me being I qoute "Clumsy useless stupid boy" Feeling insulted we'd got into an argument.

So yeah Thalia hated me and she didn't even know we were related yet.

Happy birthday present Thalia I thought grimly.

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