Being Chased by Hungry spiders? such fun...

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We walked in silence as I told the group which way to go. I felt extreamly guilty and everyone seemed to be ignoring me. I didn't think it was fair... So what if I lost the map and may be taking them in the wrong direction?

It couldn't of happened to's not like I lost it on purpose. I looked down feeling eshamed of myself, we cloned over rocks and dirt, we all fell over once in a while and after a couple of hours we where all sweating and dying for a rest.

I glanced around trying to reconise anything, all I saw where bolders and hints of bones on the floor,

we'd also come across a couple of skulls lying on the ground....

it made us even more fearful at what lies ahead..

I ran ahead, I was somehow not as tired as the rest.

Then I saw the distance a looming shadow was in our way, my freinds finaly caught up with me and they all gaped as well.

A ginormous mountin lay infront of us...

it looked extreamly creepy...

How could we have missed it before?

Strange purple clouds hid the top from view and around it Pits so huge that one slip and you'd be tumbling into it below.

It looked like a huge mouth awaiting for food.

We walked on...

Suddenly Niall tripped over the edge he didnt even have time to yell and before we could grab him he plummeted into the darkness below...

I reacted before I could think of what I was doing, I dived of the edge after him Harry yelled "Louis no!" he tried to grab me but it was to late I was falling...


As I fell I looked around for Niall, I saw him! He wasn't falling anymore, He'd grabbed onto a pierce of rock and was dangling there....

Now I was the one that needed help as soon as I thought this the air around me seemed to thicken and...I stopped falling?

I was floating in the air!!!

Thank you father I thought as the air slowly began to lift me up out of harms way...

how do I direct this? I wonderd, I want to move to the right to get to Niall I thoughts.

As soon as I thought this I felt myself moving towards Niall but I needed to go faster!

Even now I could see his grip on the rock jutting out of the pit slipping...

I flew over and held out my hand "Niall grab onto me!" I yelled.

Niall stared at me in amazement for a couple of seconds, he looked at my arm helplessly "I can't reach" he cried.

I was about to fly closer when suddenly a roar was here from the darkness below us, I glanced down but I wished I hadn't thousands of evil red eyes stared up at us...

I trembled "what are they?" I gasp to Niall.

"spiders of Arachne"Niall gasped in fear

"I herd they were banished to the  underworld after they attacked Athena"

"Lucky we're not Athena's children then" I said as I grabbed Niall on his sholder's and pulled.

Niall gulped as I managed to hold on to him and fly upwards "I don't think they know that though" Niall said his voice holding pure fear.

I looked down again and gasped in panick...they were climbing up the walls!

They were coming for us!!


We were all desperately trying to look for them, my heart felt like it had stuck in my chest...had they fallen to there deaths?

The very thought made me want to throw up.

All I saw was blackness....

I hoped they would come up by some miricle.

Harry had tears in his eyes and Zayn was comforting him "come on Louis, come on...please" I mutterd closing my eyes.

Suddenly the ground beneath us shook and I heard sounds of strange thousands of mini feet then...

I gasped as Louis and Harry came into view!!! They where flying!

Then Louis tumbled through the air and hit the ground.

"your here!" I yelled happily,

Harry stared at them in aw...Zayn said his voice shaking in relief "wait...your flying?"

"Louis was...look never-mind we need to get out of here!!" Niall gasped as he stumbled up pulling Louis with him.

"what are you talking about?" I demanded.

"we need to move!!! The Souls Nightmare has some kind of protection on it! We need to get there!!" Louis cried at us.

"protect us from what??" I snapped

As I said it thousand of spiders with many  red eyes came out of the the pit where Louis and Niall came from..

."that!!"Niall yelled they swarmed around us....

I would of wanted to say we stood our ground and fought bravely, like hero's but that would be a lie... we all legged it.

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