The Next Great Prophecy

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I watched in a daze as everyone bowed their heads towards us.

I had been claimed, by the ocean dude, well I guess it did explain why I liked taking bath's when I was younger, every one used to say I smelt of soap, haha, it was good smell though...I think but wait, I thought I was Roman?

Chiron said "I need to tell you this though as I can not hide Horan's heritage, he has been claimed by Neptune and not Poseidon"

Collective whisper's and chatter broke out in the camp "But shouldn't he be in the Roman camp?" One of kids from the Aphrodite camp asked.

"He should, however because of what's happened in his past, he may not be accepted there, he is one of us for now, and you must treat him as such, do I make myself clear!"

The Ares kids chuckled and one of then smirked "Oh we'll make him feel welcome alright"

I gulped.

I felt red with embarrassment, thanks alot Chiron, I now wished he hadn't said anything, everyone seemed to be watching me and I got an even more feeling that I didn't belong here as I tried to make myself look even smaller than I already was.

Then I watched as the fire changed colour to a sickly green as the mood darkened in the camp when Chiron spoke out in a grave voice "Now tonight is a special night, I will be telling you the 3rd in our life time, the great prophecy, two years ago the oracle spoke it time and very soon, this prophecy will have began but I have been warned that this Prophecy will take 5-6 years to complete"

Everyone was shocked, me included, 6 years?

Then someone brave enough asked "And, what is the great prophecy?" It came out in a whisper and the fire turned black reflecting what everyone was feeling.

Instead of answering, Chiron looked at a red head in the crowd.

I held in a gasp as I saw Rachel then she started to recite it of by heart seemingly not bothered by everyone's staring.

Her voice was emotionless but powerful as it carried itself all round camp, she said:

"Beware gods, Beware children

For this prophecy is for all.

Danger's are in the west

This is a 5's quest

So take heed

Beware of greed

For this prophecy is for all

But these danger's are pretend

The true danger is thy's soul

For what demons are inside?

But the ones we most fear

The gods will make a choice

That will make a tear

And seal their fate

But will thy give them a clean slate?

Or will Olympus crumple and fall?

Slippery white snake

Which road will you take?

Which mistake will you make?

Because this will set your fate's

And make Olympus quake"

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